Present: Ellis Burruss, Terry Lewis, Michelle McIntyre, Callie Fulmer, Sheila Gray, Abbie Ricketts, Liaison

Beth Johnson, Guest

The meeting was called to order at 5:40 pm.


The December Minutes were approved unanimously after a motion by Callie Fulmer followed by a second from Ellis Burruss.

Barbecue Event

Beth Johnson spoke to the Board about a barbecue event she is planning. She requested that GBACC become a sponsor and she described the sponsorship levels available. The event begins March 3 and culminates March 4. Plans are to host competing barbecue teams who will travel to Brunswick to participate. She suggested viewing the event website to look at the different levels of sponsorship. The Board will discuss and decide on participation at a later date. Callie Fulmer suggested that GBAAC include applications in its newsletter for sponsorships for the event as requested by Beth Johnson.

Treasurer’s Report

Ellis Burruss presented a 2017 draft budget for review. He explained the line item figures. Michelle McIntyre suggested the budget be fleshed out more. Terry Lewis mentioned that she and Jerry Knight visited H&R Block to learn how to use QuickBooks. Callie Fulmer noted a need to differentiate between meetings and special events. Burruss passed out a budget sheet with more details about what was spent in 2016. He suggested all submit further comments to him by January 9. A final vote on the budget will be conducted by email.

Burruss reported the bank balance to be $6,674.00 as of December 23, 2016.

A survey of members was discussed. Callie Fulmer will compile questions from input given by Board members. The survey will be designed to collect comments and suggestions as to how GBACC can better serve its members. Ideas for questions are to be sent to Fulmer by January 6. She will instruct Jerry Knight to inform members of the coming survey in the newsletter.

New Members Meeting

January 26 is the date set for the New Members/Business Meeting to be held at the American Legion. Free drink tickets will be offered and Michelle McIntyre will cater the event. Burruss will print the drink tickets. The Legion bar will provide all drinks at a cost to GBACC. A sign in sheet will be available as well as survey form copies. Social hour begins at 6:30pm and the meeting will begin at 7pm.

Directory Agreement

Ellis Burruss discussed the directory agreement with the Frederick News Post. We will need to have more than the 500 copies offered to GBACC in the agreement. The remaining Directories will be inserted in the newspaper. Burruss will negotiate with the FNP.

The directory will be inserted in the newspaper and 7000 distributed. The Brunswick Economic Development Commission will be invited to assist with the cover design. Michelle McIntyre inquired about the Lovettsville street map being added this year and about including a breakdown of business locations. Abbie Ricketts mentioned considering the Potomac Partnership when designing the cover.

Calendar for 2017

Ellis Burruss created a chart that includes various events in Brunswick and Lovettsville. The Board reviewed and discussed some of the GBACC events. Burruss will attend the Main Street Jan. 11 event planning meeting.  Shred Day will be held on April 29. Terry Lewis will verify with the shredding company. The EXPO will be held November 9, 2017. Lewis will send the Brunswick Fire Co. a deposit.

Michelle McIntyre reported that Angel White is checking into the Brunswick Heritage Museum as a possible meeting location.

The meeting adjourned at 7:10pm.