Business Expo

Registration is Now Open!

The 9th Annual Greater Brunswick Area Business EXPO will be held at the Brunswick Volunteer Fire Co. (1500 Volunteer Drive) on July 28, 2022. After a two year hiatus due to the pandemic, plans are underway to bring back the always popular EXPO. Every year, businesses from all over the area participate in the Greater Brunswick Area Business EXPO which offers an unique and exciting opportunity for area businesses to interact with local residents and highlight what goods and services are offered in the greater Brunswick area.

Register online below and pay with PayPal or mail a check OR download a form, print, and mail with check. Click here to DOWNLOAD

  1. Exhibitor includes all businesses, organizations, non-profits, schools, and for-profits.
  2. Exhibitors should plan to demonstrate services, provide information, handout business cards and literature; promote products and services, give away samples/coupons, and perhaps offer a door prize!
  3. All exhibitors will be required to contain their display and solicitation to their assigned space.
  4. Each booth space measures approximately 8 by 10 feet. Table space measures approximately 8 by 6 feet.
  5. One eight-foot table and two chairs will be supplied. Bring your own table coverings. NO table sharing! Only the registered exhibitor may display at a table or booth.
  6. Space will be assigned in order of receipt of applications.
  7. Exhibits requiring electricity will be assigned spaces on a first-come first-served basis.
  8. Set up will begin promptly on July 28, 2022 at 3:00 p.m. and run until 4:30 p.m. Exhibitors arriving after 4:30 will be denied access to provide maximum space for visitors. All exhibitors’ cars MUST be removed to the satellite parking area by 4:30 pm!
  9. All exhibitor’s must remain set-up for the entire expo time: 5:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. Removal of exhibits must be completed by 9 p.m. on Thursday, July 28, 2022.
  10. Deposits will not be accepted to hold a space. Full payment is required with all applications.
  11. A no-show will result in loss of all fees.