
Board Members Liaisons Others
X Terry Lewis, President X Angel White (City)
X Michelle McIntyre, VP Abbie Ricketts (Main St)
X Jerry Knight Secretary
X Ellis Burruss, Treasurer
X Sheila Gray
X Callie Fulmer
X Tim Wilson


The February meeting of the GBACC Board was called to order at 5:38 pm on April 4, 2016 by Terry Lewis.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from March 2016 reviewed and approved.

Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

GBACC Treasurer Ellis Burruss gave the report. The federal tax (form 990 N) and the MD personal. property tax reports have been filed. The report was approved.

The 2016 proposed budget was discussed and approved by a vote of 5 Yes, 2 No

Open Issues

Welcome Totes

Lovettsville has received 20 totes, the City 10 and Brunswick Crossing has received part of their total.  Jerry will check to see how many more BC will need.  Terry, Angel, Tim and Ellis will divide the totes up and get them out over the next couple of weeks.

GBACC Web Site

Callie and Michelle will edit the letter that Ellis drafted.

Anniversary Celebration

Everyone in attendance at the board meeting agreed it was a very successful event.  Michelle will write a thank you note to the American Legion. The initial reports show expenses of $1114.00 and income of about $560.00 so the final expense is well below budget.

New Business

GBACC participation in upcoming Lovettsville events:

Ellis met with Tiffaney and discussed GBACC and Lovettsville events. The discussion was about special event and is under the heading in the minutes Events.

Equipment acquisition:

Michelle suggested GBACC purchase a projector that will work with a lap top and a screen to use at special events.  Angel will investigate and report back on it at the next meeting.

Directory Distribution:

The Greater Brunswick Area Business and Community Directory were handed out at the Tenth Anniversary Dinner on March 31st. A total of 7000 were printed of which we have 2000. The remaining 5000 will be distributed in the News-Post Tuesday, April 5, 2016. Angle will put an announcement on the GBACC Facebook page.

Jerry and Ellis will distribute bundles to appropriate centers in the greater Brunswick area.

BIZ 101:

Two BIZ 101 meetings are tentatively scheduled for May 23 and one in September. Advertising was discussed as a topic, more discuss will be on the September BIZ 101 at the May Board Meeting. Michelle agreed to organize the class.

Events: (see calendar)

Jerry will add in the article for the GBACC Newsletter, members can bring their advertising material to the April 24th Lovettsville Expo to have it displayed on the GBACC table.

The board discussed having events on a consistent basic, Monday was selected.

Below is a list of tentative event for the rest of 2016:

April 25 – Mixer for Anytime Fitness.  Terry will contact Colin at Anytime Fitness to find out what they would like to do. If that doesn’t work out, we will have a joint GBACC/Lovettsville mixer on April 25 in Lovettsville.

June 13 – GBACC New Member Reception and business meeting, at the American Legion if available.

July – Beer and Pizza at Smoketown Brewing Station.  Ellis will check to see if they are interested in doing it and what day of the week would work best for them.

August – No events scheduled for August at the present time.

September – BIZ 101 – discussion on this will continue at the next board meeting.  September 30 kick off to Railroad Day.

October – Mixer

November – Expo

December – End of the Year Reception


Meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm

The next Board meeting will be May 2, 2016, place GBACC Office

Minutes submitted by: Jerry Knight as edited by Terry Lewis and Ellis Burruss