Called to order at 5:35 pm

Attending: Terry L., Terri S., Angel, Ellis

1)    Special event

The Brunswick Business Blender will be held from 5:30 to 7:00 on Feb. 26 (snow date: March 5). The charge will be $8 for GBACC members ($12 for non-members) with a 50% discount for registration before Feb. 23. Pre-registration will be made available on the GBACC website shortly and the membership will be notified.

Ticket price includes savory and sweet hors-d’oeuvres, a free drink (coffee, beer, wine), and a chance at $25 door prize. The purpose of the event is to allow business owners to meet other business people and talk about their businesses. The food budget will be $200 – $250. The cost of the drinks could be another $100. GBACC is prepared to partially subsidize this event.


  • Terri will confirm with Hanna re: menu of foods
  • Terry will arrange with Phil to set up a PayPal account on the GBACC web site. A “save-the-date” posting will be put on Facebook and invite the Middletown chamber.
  • Ellis will prepare a “save-the-date” postcard to go to the Directory mailing list next week. We will also send a press release to the Citizen and the FNP. Postcards or flyers will be distributed to Lovettsville businesses.

2)    Cooperative Advertising

The need for a volunteer to sell ads and organize the placemat, FNP inserts, coupon book, etc. was published in the last GBACC newsletter. No one has come forward so Terri agreed to try to sell the placemat on a commission basis. She will present some ideas to the board.

3)    Business 101

The EDC will decide at its meeting on Jan 26 about participating. In any case, GBACC and Main Street will proceed with organizing it. A working group meeting is recommended for 7:00 pm on Thursday, Feb 5 at the PSG. Terri will ask Rosanne for her list of possible topics.

4)    Billboard

Terry will forward a proof of the billboard design to the GBACC board for input. Angel will determine GBACC’s financial commitment.

The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm

  1. Burruss acting sec’y