Present- Terry Lewis, Ellis Burruss, Tim Wilson, Abbie Ricketts
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6pm by Terry Lewis, President
The Minutes were approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report
Ellis Burruss reported there is a balance of $8,699.89 in the checking account as of November 12 with several more expenses to be paid for the EXPO. Burruss will begin working on a draft budget for 2018.
Administrative Assistant Position
Applicant information was presented by Ellis Burruss. Terry Lewis will contact the applicants for interviews. The position description was reviewed and the tasks confirmed with the administration of the Facebook page, website, and Constant Contact remaining under the Board’s responsibilities.
ByLaws Review
Changes were discussed and the Board will recommend those changes be adopted by the membership at the January membership meeting. The revised by laws will be available before that time for member review.
EXPO Review
Abbie Ricketts reported that the EXPO will break even or finish in the black once all income and expenses are included. She will provide a report at the Membership Meeting on November 15.
Attendance seemed to be up this year and vendor space was filled. All went well with the exception of the sound system which produced sound that was hard to understand at times. Vendors did not move their cars as expected. Two vendors were not present. Julie Martorano is assessing the vendor evaluation sheets and compiling the data. Tim Wilson suggested GBACC do more recruiting of members at the EXPO next year.
Business Directory
Ellis Burruss reported that the Frederick News Post (FNP) is interested in working with GBACC again on the business directory. He met with representatives who mentioned that Brunswick will be in a west zone distribution area with a radius extending out from there. Ad prices are pending. The FNP expressed its interest in printing the directory in a larger format because their press can only print larger print. Terry Lewis and Abbie Ricketts preferred the size used in the last edition. The directory should be available in March or April.
Election of Officers
Ballots were collected and the elected officers will be announced in January.
End of Year Event
The Board selected charitable organizations to receive donations from the”GBACC Gives Back”
program. The selections will be announced at the End of Year Reception on December 7, 6-8pm at the Brunswick Heritage Museum.
November 15 Membership Meeting
Terri Lewis requested a copy of a current members list. Ellis Burruss will provide it and he will create a tentative calendar for 2018. The agenda was finalized for the meeting.
Co op Advertising
The back page of the Citizen has been reserved for the December 14 issue. Jerry Knight is selling the ads and will be paid a commission by the printer. Ellis Burruss will bring a sample to the November 15 meeting.
Welcome Totes
Abbie Ricketts will ask for assistance with stuffing the totes and will request business information for the totes in the newsletter.
The meeting adjourned at 7:30pm.
Minutes submitted by Abbie Ricketts, Interim Secretary