
Board Members Liaisons Others
X Terry Lewis, President X Angel White (City)
X Michelle McIntyre, VP Abbie Ricketts (Main St)
X Jerry Knight Secretary
X Ellis Burruss, Treasurer
X Sheila Gray
X Callie Fulmer
Tim Wilson


The meeting of the GBACC Board was called to order at 6:36 pm on April 6, 2017 by GBACC President Terry Lewis.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from March 6, 2017 were approved with a motion from Ellis and second from Jerry

Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

GBACC Treasurer Ellis Burruss gave the report of the first quarter income and expenses.

Budget amendments – This topic was tabled. It was decided to hold a GBACC Plans and Direction meeting in May. Michelle will take a poll to find out a date members can attend.

Insurance – Terry is working with the agency on the GBACC insurance matters.

Open Issues


Directory Reception- Twenty-three people attend the GBACC 2017 Directory Reception at Beans in the Belfry on April 3, 2017.  The members present report it was a very nice event.

Directory – Approximately 200 Directories were distributed to the guests at the reception on April 3rd and other copies are being distributed around the area. 5000 copies were inserted in the FNP on Tuesday, 4/4.  A copy of the on-line directory will be linked to the GBACC website. It

can be updated with the GBACC Members who were not included in the printed copy.  Jerry put a message in the Friday Newsletter for members to contact the GBACC secretary if they are not in the print edition.

Brunswick BBQ Throwdown – Michelle will contact Beth to see to find out the results of the event. The question was raised about what GBACC members may have gotten for their contribution.

Shred Day – It is all go for the 2017 Shred Day, April 29th from 10 AM to 1 PM at the Brunswick Shopping Center.  There are two sponsors other than GBACC, The Brunswick Eagles Club and H&R Block.

Biz 101 – Several ideas were discussed for Biz 101.  Michelle discussed a business called The Local Project, “Building a Better Internet” and will check to see if they are interested in doing a Biz 101 program.  Angel gave an update on “GoTo” and will follow up to see if they are interested.  Combining the events was discussed. Callie suggested a class on new apps. Ellis discussed having another class on Social Media. Concrete, proposals for the suggestions will be submitted before the next meeting.

Beer and Pizza – Michelle will check with Cathy at Smoketown Brewing Company to find out available date in mid-July.  Combining this with a new member reception is a possibility.

Membership Meeting – A proposed date of Monday, June 12th in the Lee Smith Room at the Brunswick Heritage Museum will be confirmed with Angel when she checks with the museum to make sure the date is available. The Board will meet at 5:30 before the membership meeting at 7:00.

Welcome Totes –Michele made a proposal for the Welcome Totes that they be given to local businesses and a post card sent to new home owners to pick up the totes at the business.  After discussion, the proposal was adopted: 4 in favor, 1 opposed.

Event Planning:

A plan was presented to more formally organize and schedule our events well in advance with “Save the date” notices in the newsletter, press releases, and posting on Eventbrite.

Co-op Advertising:

There was a suggestion that the placemat scheduled for May include an ad from GBACC to solicit responses from the public. A $25 GBACC bucks will be offered as an inducement to respond. If there is a worthwhile response, we will consider upgrading the placemat and the insert by investing in a redesign.

GBACC Web Site:  Terry reported she had spoken with a new GBACC Member Don of That I.T. Guy and he is willing to review our web site and make suggestions for an upgrade.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:15 pm

The next Board meeting will be Monday, May 1, 2017, 5:30 PM

Minutes submitted by: Jerry Knight as edited by Terry Lewis and Ellis Burruss