April 8, 2019, 6:30PM
Adam called the meeting to order at 6:45PM.
Roll Call
Present: Adam; James; Sheila; Donald; Angel.
Minutes from March meeting. James moved to approve. Seconded by Don. Unanimously approved.
- Shred Day, April 27, 2019 (10:00AM) at Roy Rogers. Adjusted how we do sponsorship. Sending out sponsorship forms with various levels with different price points.
- Moderating / co-moderating town hall for Railroad Square Forum development project – April 22, 2019 (7:00PM) at the American Legion. Cubbage to be present to moderate.
- Next Thursday, April 18th is the Next Level Training. Heather Graham to speak about business resources. To be held at Brunswick Crossing at the community center. Cubbage to bring light refreshments. For anyone desiring to grow their business.
- Directory Reception, April 18th to be held on same day as Next Level Training. Cubbage to communicate with Ellis on getting invites out.
- Business Breakfast items – May 16, 2019 with Senator Hough as speaker. Location at Beans. Agree to charge $10 per person to attend. Anything over $10 per person in costs will be covered by GBACC. GBACC to retain any excess funds. Will need to have a RSVP to know how many heads to prepare for. Start time of 7am, setup at 6:30am. GBACC to get a ’Square’ to process card payments.
- Newsletters going well, will wait until Friday for the next one so Cubbage can communicate with Beans about hosting a Business Breakfast there.
- Put request for EXPO volunteers, Cubbage as POC for that task.
- To create a task/step list for how to fill the position (newsletter, minutes, meetings, etc.).
- Board has not had a time to review; wait for Ellis to be present at next meeting.
Other Matters
- Send emails to angelwhitebcc@gmail.com.
- To reach Cubbage, text him at (240) 772-6400.
- Ellis proposes to hire an admin to take care of matters relating to membership. Cubbage to research automation aspect.
Cubbage moved to adjourn. Don seconded. Approved unanimously.
Meeting closed at 7:54PM.
Minutes submitted by James E. Rippeon II.