
Board Members Liaisons Others
Terry Lewis, President X Angel White (City)
Terri Shanahan, VP X Abbie Ricketts (Main St)
X Jerry Knight Secretary
Teri Pizzitola, Treasurer
X Ellis Burruss
Pat Schoonover
X Michelle McIntyre




The regular meeting of the GBACC Board meeting was called to order at 5:10 pm on November 13, 2015 by Ellis Burruss, At Large Member (due to absence of GBACC President)


Approval of Minutes

Minutes from October 2015 reviewed and approved.

Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report was not available at this time.

Open Issues

  • Welcome Totes
    • The last delivery of Welcome Totes for 2015 will be on Sunday, December 16th. Ellis and Jerry will stuff the bags on Friday, Dec 14th and Angel and Terry will deliver them.
  • Ellis will make more of the “sorry we missed you” door hangers.
  • Business Expo
    • It will be discussed at the Expo Follow Up meeting following the Board Meeting.
  • Membership – review list

The membership list and on-line directory have been updated.

  • Insurance for GBACC
    • Postponed until a later meeting due to the absence of Terry, GBACC President
  • Biz 101

There was discussion of canceling the event if there were insufficient signs of interest, however it was decided to proceed with a strong effort to publicize it and proceed.

  • Ellis will send out post cards for the event. He will also provide the snacks.
  • A Constant Contact reminder email will be sent out on November 14th with a strong urging to RSVP
  • Website maintenance and update
    • postponed

New Business

  • Elections

The GBACC Treasurer position is still open.   If there are no responses to the newsletter request for a treasurer, Abbie will make some contacts to see if she can find someone. The At-Large board position will remain open and members will be encouraged to fill it at the End of the Year event.

  • Advertising

The back page of the Citizen is the next advertising opportunity. Jerry will work on getting advertisers.

  • End of Year Reception, December 3rd, 6 to 8 PM at the Heritage Museum

Organizations receiving the $200 donation from GBACC have been notified and have agreed to be present for the presentation. The Brunswick American Legion was added to receive a $200 award for their service to the community and their help with GBACC events. Terry and Jerry will work on the new member packets. Michelle will cater the reception. Ellis will buy the wine. Abbie will ask Smoketown Brewery if they can sell beer to GBACC.

Awards: It was decided to give three awards at the reception: Additional certificates may be added.

January Annual Meeting

  • The tentative date for the meeting will be Thursday, January 14, 2016 at the Legion. A goal of the meeting will be to involve more members in active participation in GBACC with an interactive effort to draw members into conversation. Having heavy snacks and two free drinks was discussed.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:34 pm

The next Board meeting will be announced at a later date, place TBD

Minutes submitted by: Jerry Knight as edited by Ellis Burruss