GBACC Meeting Minutes
Call to order
A meeting of GBACCC was held at 2 East Potomac Street in Brunswick on January 22 on 6:33 PM
and quorum present.
Attendees included
Shelia Gray
Larry Patterson
John Canan
Bret Nesselrodt
Ellis Burrus
Jim Daily
Allison Nemkomski
Members not in attendance
Members not in attendance included
Mehdi Tehranchi

Approval of minutes
Brett made a motion to approve the minutes to the record and Reports

Larry gave the treasures report. $5573.15 bank account balance. There were 4 new 433.00 deposit made 01/22/2020. Total payouts were 431.61.

There was a request for donation for the St. Johns Great Way for Business Program. The letter was given to the president. Treasure’s report was approved.
Upcoming Events

The social planning calendar was reviewed. Ellis suggested skipping the socials for February and November and focus on the classes in conjunction with Brunswick Main Street.

Brett gave an update for shred day. The location and the vendor are selected. A discussion occurred about sponsorship of the event. Shelia brought up that Jerry suggested donations be
collected and then given to the Beacon (food bank). A motion to accept donations was made by Shelia to donate the donations collected that day to a charitable cause. A vote was taken and
agreed unanimously. “Accepting donations on behalf of…” Membership report, 96 members as of December 31. Jerry billed 16 members and of those eight paid so far.

A discussion ensued about the welcome totes for March. Advertising for the totes will occur in February. And a suggestion was made to also do one in July. By the middle of February Ellis
will be doing the 9 route direct mailer through every direct door mailer. The March 3 Brunswick Crossing special mailer sold out. Another one will be offered in 3 – 4 weeks following. The question was brought up about accepting online payments on the website. Larry will look into the website payment process getting worked out and accepting payments for other services through the website. John will forward some other website checkout info to Larry.

Unfinished business
New business

John Canan
Secretary Date of approval