- Minutes
A motion to approve the June 12 minutes was passed
- Treasurer’s Report
The June expenses and income were presented. Terry will look into who paid their dues through Paypal for this quarter.
- Old Business
- Board Recruitment
- Open Position(s)
There was a motion that Abbie serve as an interim GBACC board member. Motion was passed and Abbie accepted the interim position.
- Director Fees
A suggestion was made that GBACC members, including board members, be recompensed for volunteer time through discounts on dues. Objections were raised about setting a negative precedent for a volunteer organization. The discussion was tabled. If someone makes a list of volunteer projects with anticipated hours and quantifies the amount of money involved the discussion will be re-opened.
3.Administrative Assistant
A motion was made that GBACC consider hiring an administrative assistant. There being no second, the motion was dropped.
- Biz 101-update
Jill Kurtz will present a class on October 12 on the topic of “Online Presence.”
- Welcome Totes-update
None of the totes have been picked up. Ellis will prepare the delivery lists for distribution as before. Ellis will ask Tim for this Sunday. Terry and Angel will arrange a time.
- Beer & Pizza-update
Tuesday, July 25 at Smoketown 6:30 pm to 8:00. The event will be publicized through Eventbright and FB. GBACC members free; non-members $10 at the door. All attendees will get a drink ticket and pizza. Smoketown will prepare the drink tickets. We will order 6 double-cut pizzas. GO2 will pay a $200 sponsorship and will have a display and will talk with attendees individually. We will ask if Smoketown will offer a tour of their event facility.
- Expo-update
There will be a working group meeting on Monday, 7/31 at the museum at 6:30. There will be drinks and snacks. We will try to involve as many previous participants as possible to get fresh ideas. Abbie will send out a “Hold the Date” notice for November 9. The Fire Co. has received the deposit on the hall.
- Calendar of Events
Add July 31 Expo working group meeting
- New Business
- Placemat Contest
There were 17 responses to the ad on the placemat. A drawing awarded a $25 GBACC bucks certificate to Dottie Weddle. Ellis will contact her.
- Flip cause-Terry
This appears to be spam or cold-calling. We will not pursue.
- GBACC Tasks
A sheet of task descriptions was handed out and comments requested.
- Future Meeting Dates
The monthly GBACC board will be on the second Monday at 6:30 pm.
- Constant Contact
Angel suggested that we investigate Robly to replace Constant Contact
- Web Site
Terry and Ellis will meet with Phil on Tuesday, July 11
- Day to Serve
Angel will put us in touch with this local volunteer organization.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:03 pm
acting sec’y