called to order: 5:35 pm   in attendance: Terry, Michelle, Ellis

Liaisons: Abbie, Angel.     (A quorum not being present, no business was transacted)

1)       Minutes

2)       Treasurer’s report

Deposits and expenses for May were reported. The revised budget was  presented

3)       Old Business

  1. The June 3 board retreat was reviewed (see June 3 retreat minutes)

(At this point there was a break for a presentation by GO2, a new social networking platform. GO2 will join GBACC and will co-sponsor the July 25 beer and pizza social.)

  1. Biz 101 — Jill Kurtz has agreed to present a class on “Online Presence” in October. Michelle will check her availability for a 2nd week in October class.
  2. Welcome totes — The totes were stuffed and the postcards were mailed to all new residents. As of today none have been picked up.
  3. New business
  4. Board recruitment
  5. Tim should be active again in the fall. There was a suggestion from Michelle that Ellis become secretary and that a member with experience in financial matter be installed as treasurer.
  6. There was a suggestion from Terry that the board consider discounting members’ dues for board members to encourage more board participation. Objections were raised.

Ellis suggested that the board consider hiring a part-time worker to take care of  tasks in membership, newsletter, and co-op ad sales. Objections were raised.

The need for a membership director was discussed. Sheila will be asked.

  1. Benefits for joining GBACC (tabled)
  2. Beth not in attendance
  3. Calendar — the graphic calendar was presented and some adjustments were suggested. It was agreed by the officers present to proceed with the Expo planning and the deposit to the Fire Co. for Nov 9.

Meeting adjourned 7:00 pm