June 24, 2019

Call to order at 6:38 pm Adam, Sheila, Brett, Ellis

1) In the absence of a secretary Ellis agreed to take minutes. There was a brief discussion of recruiting another board member/secretary. Adam and Ellis will contact possibilities.

2) Upcoming Events

City Carnival on June 29; Red, White & Brew on July 6

There will be an initial Expo Planning meeting on Wed. July 8 at Own It 6:00pm. Adam is contacting people.

The Brunswick 2030 is pending due to lack of interest.

3) Treasurer’s report

Recent expenses and deposits had been sent to the board. Current bank balance is approximately $6400 with an additional $1400 pending deposit. Much of that is for the co-op advertising.

4) Admin Asst.

Sheila raised the question of the administrative help. She said that Jerry would be available. Ellis will find the job description that the board passed in 2017. There was general agreement to hire Jerry for limited work pending approval of a job description.

5) Co-op advertising

Since January the direct mail cards have been sent to 5459 addresses on 9 postal routes in the Brunswick/Lovettsville area. The next one goes out on Monday July 1 to 500 addresses on Brunswick Rt 002.

While we are trying to keep the whole project revenue-neutral since January there has been a $118.00 surplus when all bills are collected.

The 9-route mailer has been sold out and we have collected $955.00 which covers the printing costs.

6) Welcome totes

We need to distribute totes to new residents who have moved in since January 1. We agreed on a distribution day of Saturday, August 10. The SOP was read. Ellis will get the number from City Hall and write the ad for the Citizen.

That information will be given to Adam for the newsletter and Social media. Sheila will be the POC.

7) The Next Level classes

Adam will provide some suggestions for topics and teachers. The classes will run monthly from Sept. through May in collaboration with Main Street’s ERC.

8) Office

Adam and Ellis will move GBACC supplies from the Museum to Own It on Thursday, June 27

9) Fred. Chamber Business Card Exchange (BCE)

We have been offered an opportunity to host the July 17 BCE for the Frederick county chamber. This is a great opportunity to showcase the Brunswick business community. The cost to GBACC will be $1000 which will cover all expenses. We will offer at GBACC Bucks as a door prize. The event will be organized by the Fred. Chamber event planner. We will host it at the Brunswick Crossing community center or the Fire Hall. Adam will be the POC and will recruit GBACC members to show up and display their businesses to an anticipated 150 businesses from the County. A motion to approve was made by Adam, seconded by Sheila and passed.

Adjourned at 7:35 pm

E. Burruss

acting sec’y