March 11, 2019, 6:30PM
Adam called the meeting to order at 6:35PM.
Roll Call
Present: Adam; James; Ellis; Donald; Tim.
Meeting times at 6:30PM on second Mondays for Board Meetings.
Minutes from January meeting. Ellis moved to approve with edits. Seconded by James. Unanimously approved. James to edit and send to Adam.
- Strategic initiatives. Working with the other Brunswick organizations. Coordinate a time to get together and discuss next few years and our efforts to get on the same page. Enable cooperative efforts, not competitive or redundant.
- Main Street. Hosted a class in February, sponsored by GBACC. Suggestions for programs for upcoming classes. Maybe use Jim George for a class on taxes and how to maximize over the upcoming year. Maybe a class on small business advertising. Cubbage to meet with Sophie and discuss options.
- No report.
- Newsletter frequency. Weekly or bi-weekly. Finish out this month with weekly.
- James to check numbers on Thursday v. Friday newsletter.
- Check to see if there is a reminder function to open newsletter.
- Website conversation.
- Expand the map to include greater Brunswick area.
- Slow to load on phone.
- Not much is on the calendar. Find a way to sync with other calendars.
- Maybe new content and photographs of website.
- Keep the update fresh and up-to-date.
- Need to update from 2017 directory.
- Membership.
- Three new members. Air Doctor, South Mountain Creamery, Velocity Wings.
- 88 members total.
- Good collections in January and February. People are renewing.
- Ellis proposes to bring back business breakfasts and networking through business card exchanges on alternating months. Cubbage seconds. Unanimously approved.
- Breakfast. Start at 7:15AM start serving breakfast. 7:30AM speaker. Need to talk to Beans and get a per-person price. Ellis and Brett to work on. Tentative for Hough on minimum wage bill in Maryland.
- Business card exchange. Cubbage to find a business that would host. Start after May.
- Treasurer report.
- Transitioning form BB&T to Middletown Valley Bank.
- We are doing well financially.
Other Matters
- Main Street approached GBACC to do another public forum for Railroad Square project. Aiming for middle of April. Ellis moves to co-sponsor forum with Main Street. James seconds. Unanimously approved. Cubbage to iron out details as point of contact.
- Direct Mailers. Sent out four this year so far, every three weeks. Pretty consistent with having the program pay for itself. 500-600 addresses. Positive feedback from members.
- Directory Cover. Ellis to go with similar design of the cover from last year, but changing the photographs. Hosting a reception for the event, but going to tie to the business card exchange this year. Planning around April 10th. Cubbage to work with FNP to obtain release date. Combine reception with business card exchange, and try to do at Abbie’s business.
- Welcome totes. Ads in the Citizen. 8 people have dropped off items with City Hall. Need 15 more participants for 50 more bags. March 27th is deadline for dropping off with City Hall. Need 2-3 people to help stuffing March 29th. Three teams of 2 to drop off bags at houses. Delivering that Saturday and Sunday.
- Shred day. Sponsors are needed. Truck costs about $750. Need three more sponsors. Need to make sure it is okay with shopping center. Ellis to put together flyers and signs, which need to be distributed. Need volunteers for the day of April 27th to help out.
- Angel to send link to community calendar to James to fix Newsletter link.
- Committee Chair for 2019 Business Expo in Newsletter as request. Volunteers for Expo Committee. Encourage someone to take leadership position.
James moved to adjourn. Cubbage seconded. Approved unanimously.
Meeting closed at 7:40PM.
Minutes submitted by James Rippeon.