May 13, 2019, 6:40PM

Adam called the meeting to order at 6:40PM. 

Roll Call

Present:  Adam; James; Mehdi; Ellis; Sheila; Guests: Abbie, Brett.  


Minutes from April meeting.  Ellis moved to approve.  Seconded by Sheila.  Unanimously approved.


• Standard Operating Procedure Review.  
◦ Formalizing step-by-step process for how to do events.
▪ Shred day, business breakfast, welcome totes.
• Brunswick 2030.
◦ Get different Brunswick civic organizations in a room for strategic planning conference.  What do we want Brunswick to look like in 2030.
◦ Identify key performance indicators and metrics.
◦ Either last Wednesday or Thursday in June.
◦ Tentative location at Clubhouse at Brunswick Crossing.
◦ Invitees
▪ Police, Fire, Mayor and Council, Rotary, VFW, American Legion, Fraternal Order Eagles, Main Street.
• November Expo.
◦ Adam asked for standard operating procedure and/or working plan from Frederick Chamber of Commerce.
▪ Abbie / Ellis to provide Adam with Expo documents that we have to model from used by past GBACC Expos.
◦ Recruitment.
▪ Main Street and EDC would be good entities to work with to execute.
• Community Activities.
◦ May 18th – Taste of Brunswick.
◦ Small Business / City Saturday in June.
• Directories dropped off to Lovettsville.
◦ Brett / Ellis to take a bundle to Lovettsville City Hall.
• Five new members.
• Late payments.
◦ What to do with those not paying?  Send a final notice to two non-paying members.
▪ Palmer Care
▪ True Love Dental
• Total.
◦ 92 members total now.
• Establishing a process for new members.
◦ Flow chart available in Google Drive.
◦ Mehdi to send out via email.
▪ James – to send acknowledgement for renewals and new memberships.
• Membership list
◦ Ellis has on two spreadsheets.
◦ Ellis will send to James and James to check to see if 92 members are on email list.  
• Report by Ellis.
◦ Ellis to email to Board.
• Direct Mail update by Ellis.
◦ Medium ad for $300.00, $0.06 per house; small ad for $165.00, $0.03 per house.
◦ To supplement the regular direct mail program.
◦ Ellis to write standard operating procedure for mailing program.

• Mehdi
◦ Need of web master and social media master.
◦ Don has volunteered to do some web work.  Person doing web should manage google accounts.
◦ Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Newsletter, etc. should be integrated.
◦ Adam to ask Phil about account information for social media accounts.

GBACC Business

• Business Breakfast.
◦ 15 RSVP’ed ‘yes’ to the event.
◦ Inform Beans in the Belfry of count by Tuesday.
◦ Adam to MC event.
• Welcome Totes.
◦ January through May, we have 20 new homes.  
◦ In need of a person in charge and to also fill in the role of responsibility of Tim.
◦ SOP to be written by Ellis
▪ Ad in Citizen.
▪ Gather materials from businesses.
▪ Friday before weekend distribution, stuff bags.
• Business card exchange.
◦ will be at Brunswick Sporting (Abbie’s)
◦ Dates in mid June TBD.
◦ Adam is POC.

Motions for Consideration

• New location.  No hope for having space at Museum.  There is space here for us to store items for GBACC.  Own It offers 4 times per month, plus use of conference room and mailing address $60 per month.  Starting June 1st.
◦ Adam motions to sign GBACC up for one year to make Own It the HQ for GBACC.  Mehdi seconds.  Unanimously approved.
• Social media and web POC
◦ Adam motions to have Mehdi as Social POC.  Sheila seconds.  Unanimously approved.
◦ Adam motions to have Don as Web Administrators.  Sheila seconds.  Unanimously approved.
• Canal Towns Partnership.  Washout along path and delays in repairs.  July before a low water crossing is put in place.  Will likely not have a bridge until later in the year.  Significant decline in activity.  GBACC to help sponsor shuttles around the breach. Between Brunswick and Point of Rocks.  There will be some public recognition for helping on social media.  River and Trail to perform shuttle services.  Should cost $6,000.00 to run shuttle services through end of July.  Canal Trust will not take any management fees.  
◦ Adam motions to donate $500 by GBACC to Canal Trust for shuttle service.  Ellis seconds.  Unanimously approved.
• Tim tendered resignation b/c health.  At-large seat is open.  We can appoint for the remainder of vacant term.
◦ Adam motions for Brett to fill in for at-large Board Member.  Mehdi seconds.  Unanimously approved.
• Proposal for 9-route direct mailer in addition to bi-weekly.
◦ Ellis moves for 9-route mailer.  Adam seconds.  Unanimously approved.


Cubbage moved to adjourn.  James seconded.  Approved unanimously.  

Meeting closed at 7:51PM.

Minutes submitted by James E. Rippeon II.