
Board Members   Liaisons   Others
X Terry Lewis, President   Angel White (City)    
X Michelle McIntyre, VP   Abbie Ricketts (Main St)    
X Jerry Knight Secretary        
X Ellis Burruss, Treasurer        
X Sheila Gray        
X Callie Fulmer        
X Tim Wilson        


The meeting of the GBACC Board was called to order at 5:39 pm on May 2, 2016 by Terry Lewis.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from April 2016 were approved.

Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

GBACC Treasurer Ellis Burruss gave the report. The report was approved.

Open Issues

GBACC Insurance:

  • Connie Phillips of Connie Phillips Insurance gave a review for what she could offer GBACC for insurance. After the presentation the Board voted as follows:

$  25.00 – Cyber Insurance – 5 for, 1 against, 1 abstained

$425.00 – General Liability Insurance – 7 for

$738.00 – Directors’ and Officers’ Insurance – 6 for, 1 abstained

$75.00 – Property Insurance – 7 against

Total $1,188 Approved by the board

GBACC Web Site:

  • Terry spoke with Phil and now has phone calls to the GBACC phone number sent to her email address. Callie made a motion that ownership of the GBACC web be incorporated into the GBACC By-laws. The motion was passed,

GBACC Participation in Up-coming Lovettsville Events:

  • GBACC will have a table at the Lovettsville MayFest. Brunswick Main Street and EDC will be invited to participate.

Equipment acquisition:

  • It was agreed by all present GBAC should purchase the projector and case proposed by Angle White. Ellis made the motion, Tim second, it was approved.

Shred Day Update:

  • Approximately 70 people brought 5100 pounds of documents to be shredded at the event. Jerry will call and schedule for the last Saturday in April 2017.

BIZ 101:

  • May 19th will be the deadline for people to register for the BIZ 101 event and ten people will be the minimum required to hold the event. GBACC members will be free, non-members $10.


  • Mixer Recap:
    • Everyone present agreed the event at the Creek’s Edge Winery was a complete success with over 21 people in attendance.
  • New Member Reception:
    • Michelle is checking with the American Legion for a date in June for a General Meeting/New Member Reception.
  • Beer and Pizza at Smoketown Brewing Station.
    • Michelle will check with David or Kathy for a date in the third week of July.

City Election Forum:

  • Plans are tentative on this event but it will be with the Brunswick Citizen. It is scheduled for Monday, July 12 at the City park building.

New Business

Expo:  This will be discussed at a later meeting.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:51 pm

The next Board meeting will be June 6, 2016, place GBACC Office

Minutes submitted by: Jerry Knight as edited by Terry Lewis and Ellis Burruss