Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 pm y Terriy Lewis, President.

Treasurer’s Report

Ellis Burruss gave the treasurer’s report. There were approximately $400 in expenses and $1500 in income. The checking account balance was a little over $7100.00

Biz 101

The first session will be held on February 22 at 6:30pm in the Lee B. Smith Room of the Museum. Christina May’s firm Illumin8 will be the presenter. Abbie Ricketts will post the date and time in the newsletter and Burruss will purchase the snacks and drinks. He will mail postcards as well.

Welcome Totes

There will be about 50-60 Welcome Totes. A delivery date will be in mid to late March tentatively March 24/25.

Shred Day

There are three sponsors- Eagles Ladies Auxiliary, Bonnie’s Country Kitchen, and H&R Block. Shred Day is April 28th from 10am-1pm


Reminders for January are going out and February will be billed.

Jerry Knight sent an email to members and received updates for the website. Abbie Ricketts and Terry Lewis will work on cleaning up the constant Contact list.

Internal Communications

Mehdi Tehranchi proposed the Board begin using Go’2s as its communications platform. There can be more interaction between people. By early March, Tehranchi will send all Board members a video and email.

 Railroad Square Apartment Building Project

Ellis Burruss suggested we let citizens know when public workshops are being held.


More data collection is needed and more input for articles.

The Board will consider a decision about a directory release party and a new member welcome. Certificates will be created.

The meeting adjourned.

Minutes submitted by Abbie Ricketts, Acting Secretary