In attendance:
Debbie Robinette, President, Terry Lewis, Vice President, Jerry Knight, Secretary
Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer, Terri Shanahan – At Large Member
Absent: Sheila Gray, and Sandra Lashley – At Large Members
Call to Order at 7:35 AM
Treasurer Report: Teri Pizzlola gave the Treasurer Report and passed out copies, Jerry Knight made the motion for approval with Terry Lewis second, it was approved as given. The treasurer report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request.
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Debbie gave the report. All billing for membership dues is up to date. There are currently 84 members of GBACC. Debbie discussed the need for a more involved membership committee. Terry Lewis and Teri Pizzlola will try to help out. Taking the GBACC message to businesses in the area is very important to acquire new members.
Advertising/Promotions: The Place Mat has a few spaces left on it but should be ready to go by the end of February.
Special Events:
Speed Networking – Terry discussed Business 101 Effective Email Marketing on February 19th, 6:30 PM at the American Legion. Next will be Business 101 Gorilla Marketing on March 3rd, then Speed Networking on March 19th.
Tourism & Instruction: It was agreed Instruction will be dropped from this committee and it will concentrate on tourism. A Committee Chair was not named.
New Business:
- GBACC Business Directory – The minutes from the February 11th Business Directory working group were passed around. The rates for the display ads were discussed and passed as written by a motion from Terri Pizzlola and second from Terri Shanahan. Checking information for the directory will begin this week.
- Brunswick Visitors Center – Debbie discussed the need for more volunteers at the Visitors Center. GBACC with Brunswick Main Street and the EDC are responsible for staffing the Center. Debbie will meet with representative of Main Street and EDC for more discussion on this issue.
- The problem on what material should be sent to people requesting information on Brunswick was discussed. The question was also raised on what group should send it, the City, GBACC or the EDC. It was decided a Brunswick information section should be added to the GBACC Web Site. People requesting information from GBACC can be directed to the site. Debbie will write a letter to the City Administrator requesting information to use.
- The GBACC Web Site was discussed and ideas on how to make it more interesting were discussed. More on this at the next GBACC Board Meeting
- Jerry will send out the 2013 GBACC Budget and a new budget will be discussed at the next meeting.
- Terry Lewis asked if the next Board Meeting could be scheduled for 4:30 PM rather than 7:30 AM. Terri Pizzlola suggested a Wednesday or Thursday afternoon because of parking problems. Jerry will poll the Board to see which day is better but the next meeting will be at 4:30 PM.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 AM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight