In attendance:
Debbie Robinette, President
Abbie Ricketts, Vice President (appointed at this meeting)
Jerry Knight, Secretary
Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer – Absent
Sheila Gray – At Large Member
Dave Hall – At Large Member
Terry Lewis – At Large Member

Call to Order at 7:40 AM

Abbie Ricketts was nominated to fill the vacant Vice President position until the next election in November. Terry Lewis made the nomination and it was seconded by Dave Hall. The nomination was approved.

Treasurer Report: Debbie reported the income from Membership for January was $1,855.00. The treasurer report is on file and is available on request.

The board had a brief discuss on the By Laws and it was decided they need to be reviewed so at a later date a committee will be formed to review them and make recommendation to the board for changes.

Old Business:
Membership Committee:
Debbie reported six new members joined the Chamber in January bring the total membership to eighty-one.

New Business:

1 – The time and day for the Board meeting was discussed and it was decided the third Tuesday of the month at 7:30 AM works best for everyone. The location will be announced before the meeting.

2 – All the events listed on the agenda for 2012 were helpful to GBACC except for the Frederick Expo. It was decided to keep all but the Frederick Expo and work on them for 2013. The board decided the expense of the Frederick Expo was not worth the return for members of GBACC.

3 – Committee Chairs and responsibilities were discussed before the events for 2013. The Committees and Chairs are:
Membership: Chair Debbie – Ambassador Sheila
• Welcome Baskets
• New Member Orientation
• Ambassador Program
• Nomination Committee
• Liaison to Railroad Museum & Brunswick Library

Advertising/Promotion: Chair Jerry
• Newsletter
• Facebook
• Press Releases
• Directory – With Ellis Burruss
• Liaison to EDC

Events: Chair Terry
• GBACC/EDC Business Expo – Chair Abbie
• GBACC Awards Dinner – Debbie chair, Jerry Member
• Mixers/Business Card Exchanges – Chair Terry (4 per year)
• Shredding Day – Chair Jerry
• EDC/GBACC Business Breakfast
• Other events as confirmed i.e. candidate forum for elections

Tourism & Instruction: Chair Abbie

• Welcome Center
• Tourist Brochures
• Business 101 – Chair Abbie, Member Debbie
• Liaison to Canal Town, Brunswick Welcome Center and Main Street

Business Community Liaison: Chair Dave
• A go Between for GBACC with Local Businesses in need of instructions or help

Finance Committee: Chair Teri Pizzlola

Technology Committee: Chair Phil Graves

Abbie will set a date for a meeting for GBACC and EDC to determine the date for the Buz 101 and the Brunswick/EDC Expo. Debbie will set the date for a meeting of members interested in the Awards Dinner and set the date. Terry will set a date for an Events Committee Meeting to discuss upcoming mixers and other event possibilities. Jerry will find sponsors for the shredding day. A need for a GBACC Business directory with the names and contact information for GBACC Members was discussed. This was done several years ago. A final decision was not made.

4 – Visitor Center: Abbie discussed the need for volunteers to staff the Brunswick Visitors Center in the Railroad Museum which is open the same hours as the museum. A volunteer training class will be at the Museum on March 13th at 6:30 PM. GBACC should take a more pro active approach to tourism.

5 – GBACC board business cards and name tags for board members was discussed and it was decided they would be helpful for the board members. A motion from Jerry and a second from Terry was made and it was approved that Debbie would order them.

6 – 2013 Budget will be worked on after the new committee chairs can get their budgets together and submit them to the board.

7 – Change the GBACC General Meeting to the odd and event monthly systems was discussed. It was decided Jerry would take a email opinion poll of the members before a decision was made on this issue.

8 – A decision to change the GBACC newsletter to every other week was put off for the present and will be addressed at a later time. Terry ask if it could be put on the web page and Jerry will email Phil, the Technology Chair to inquire.

Adjourned 9:30 AM