In attendance:
Debbie Robinette, President, Terry Lewis, Vice President, Jerry Knight, Secretary
Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer, Sheila Gray, Terri Shanahan and Sandra Lashley – At Large Members
Call to Order at 7:45 AM
Treasurer Report: Teri Pizzlola gave the Treasurer Report, Terri Shanahan made the motion for approval with Sandra Lashley second, it was approved as given. The treasurer report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request.
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Debbie gave the report. All billing for membership dues is up to date. There are currently 83 members of GBACC. Debbie and Jerry will meet with Tiffany of Blue Ridge Wheel today to discuss getting Lovettsville, VA businesses involved with GBACC. Debbie will recruit new committee members and call a meeting soon.
Advertising/Promotions: Jerry – The Frederick News-Post Valentine Insert is sold out and will appear in the newspaper the Tuesday before Valentine’s Day. The next advertising opportunity for GBACC is the Place Mat.
Special Events:
Speed Networking – Terry announced Speed Networking will be at the American Legion, March 19th, at 6:00 PM. Debbie discussed how it will work with a emphasis on the “elevator pitch” and how businesses can support each other. Business 101 – The first class will be Effective Email Marketing on February 19th, 6:30 PM at the American Legion.
Tourism & Instruction: Assigning a Chair for this committee was put on hold. Abbie Ricketts will be ask to send a description of the committee and the Chair duties to the Board.
New Business:
GBACC Business Directory – GBACC will begin work on the 2014 Brunswick Area Business Directory. Bellwether Printing has submitted a proposal for publishing the directory. The proposal was reviewed by the board and was accepted with a motion from Terry Lewis, second Teri Pizzlola.
GBACC Camp Ground Brochure – A draft for a GBACC brochure promoting Brunswick and supplied to the Brunswick Family Camp Grounds and the Brunswick Visitors Center was discussed by the Board. The draft prepared by Bellwether Printing was approved and will be paid for by selling ads on the brochure.
Brunswick Long Term Review (“Shared Vision”) – Brunswick Main Street has asked GBACC to send a representative on February 22, 2014 at 3:30 PM to this review. The location will be announced. Terri Pizzlola volunteered to attend.
Changes to the Greater Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce Bylaws as updated in 2008 were reviewed and discussed by the Board. The changes that have been submitted by Debbie and Jerry were approved with a motion to approve by Terry Lewis and the second by Sheila Grey.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 AM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight