In attendance: Terry Lewis, Vice President, Jerry Knight, Secretary, Terri Shanahan, Member at Large and Ellis Burruss, Liaison to the City Council
Absent: Debbie Robinette, President, Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer, and Sandra Lashley, Sheila Gray Members at Large

Call to Order at 4:45 PM

Treasurer Report: Not available. The treasurer’s report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request.

Committee Reports:

Membership Report: Debbie Robinette is out of town so Jerry gave the report for Debbie. GBACC currently has 83 members. Billing has been completed for the month of July.


• The Brunswick Business Directory is out and should be delivered to local businesses soon.
• The next advertising opportunity is the place mat. Information will be in the Friday Newsletter.

Special Events:

• The GBACC Summer Business Card Exchange Picnic is still scheduled for July 23rd at Grasshopper Perennials. Members are encouraged to bring their families. Information in the Friday Newsletter.

• Expo – Ellis gave an update on the event. It is scheduled to be at the Brunswick Fire Department on Saturday, November 8th from 3:00 to 6:00 PM. There will be a working group meeting July18th, 5:00 PM at El Sloppy Taco. In order to involve Lovettsville Ellis met with the “Lovettsville “We’re In” group.

• The board briefly discussed the October 3rd “Kick Off to Railroad Days”. It was agreed to follow last year’s plans for the event. Need to check to see if Main Street will be involved.

New Business:

The upcoming election for the 2015 GBACC board was discussed and some suggestions were made for possible candidates to fill the board. Jerry will make inquiries to these individuals.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 PM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight. The next board meeting is August 19, 2014, 4:30 PM at the Medical Center.