In attendance: Debbie Robinette, President
Abbie Ricketts, Vice President Jerry Knight, Secretary Terry Lewis – At Large Member
Absent Sheila Gray – At Large Member Dave Hall – At Large Member
Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer Call to Order at 7:40 AM Treasurer Report: The treasurer report was not available for the meeting. The treasurer report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request. Old Business:

Committee Reports:

Membership Report: Debbie gave the report – One new member Sandra Lashley, private practice psychotherapy has been added to the GBACC Membership. All billing for membership dues is up to date. Some membership dues have not been paid and Jerry will check to see if any have been sent to the Treasurer.

Advertising/Promotions: Jerry – The back page ad in the Citizen Valley edition will go out on July 18th. The next advertising opportunity will be the Frederick News Post insert in September.

Special Events: Abbie – The Business Expo will be on October 18th, 6 to 9 PM at the Brunswick High School. Abbie reported there is a problem with getting tables and chairs delivered from the Fire Hall so it was suggest the Brunswick Boosters be contact to see if they will pick up and deliver them for a fee. The fee for the Expo will be $45.00 GBACC Members and $60.00 non members. Registration for the Expo should begin in about a week. Terry – The GBACC Mixer on Thursday, June 20th, at Grasshopper Garden and Patio was a great success. Having a happy hour mixer was discussed at either Beans or at Potomac Station if they join GBACC. September will be the target date.

Tourism & Instruction: The need for a GBACC business/tourism brochure was discussed again. Abbie will talk with Kelly Fowler about designing a GBACC Brochure. It was suggested we do a rack card now and work on the brochure idea for later. Ideas for a rack card should be sent to Abbie by Thursday, July 18th. Abbie will then discuss it with Kelly.

New Business:

The new Brunswick City Manager will be invited to speak at the October 9th Business Meeting.
Anyone interested in working on the Kick Off to Railroad Days reception committee should attend the planning meeting on August 13th, 5:00 PM at Beans in the Belfry.

Adjourned at 8:30 AM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight