In attendance: Abbie Ricketts, Vice President Jerry Knight, Secretary Terry Lewis – At Large Member
Sheila Gray – At Large Member Dave Hall – At Large Member
Absent Debbie Robinette, President
Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer Call to Order at 7:37 AM Treasurer Report: The treasurer report was given by Abbie Ricketts. A motion to approve the report was made by Jerry Knight and a second from Abbie Ricketts. The report was accepted as written. The treasurer report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request. Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Debbie was out of town so Abbie gave the report – One new member Amber Hills Physical Therapy has been added to the GBACC Membership. All billing for membership dues is up to date. Debbie is working on some Membership projects which she will share with the board when she returns.
Advertising/Promotions: Jerry – The GBACC Restaurant Place Mat is due to be distributed this week. The next advertising opportunity will be the Citizen Back Page. It was suggested and agreed that we should do the Middletown edition of the Citizen for this advertising.
Special Events: Abbie – The Business Expo will be on October 18th, 6 to 9 PM at the Brunswick High School. Registration will begin soon and a boot camp to help businesses understand the Expo process is being worked out. The floor layout is complete and chairs and table are being rented from the Fire Hall. Terry – The GBACC Mixer is Thursday, June 20th, 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Grasshopper Garden and Patio. Snacks, beer, water, drinks, grill food and a door prize will be provided by Grasshopper and GBACC will supply the wine. More door prizes are needed for the Mixer. Jerry will send out a reminder on Thursday morning. Community Picnic – Is this Saturday, 4 to 7 PM at Square Corner Park. Terry will work the GBACC table, Abbie will look for the banner and supply a table cloth, Jerry will find business literature. Abbie has ordered the GBACC logo table cloth and it should arrive in about three weeks.
Tourism & Instruction: Abbie reported the BIZ 101 program was a success. It was suggested GBACC take a lead in the next BIZ 101 series. The need for a GBACC business/tourism brochure was discussed again. Abbie will talk with Kelly Fowler about designing a GBACC Brochure. The urgency because of the Battle of Gettysburg anniversary was discussed.
New Business:
Maret Sisas of the Welcome Wagon program will be ask to speak at a GBACC Business Meeting.
Changing the GBACC Business Meeting to every three months was discussed. It was agreed because of the low attendance at our monthly meetings it should be considered. Jerry will put information about it in the next GBACC Newsletter.
Jerry will review The GBACC by laws and make recommendation to the committee for changes, if there should be any needed.
Jerry presented the State Farm GBACC Insurance Policy which is due for renewal. It will go to the Treasurer to be paid but Jerry will check on getting someone new to review the policy.
Adjourned at 8:20 AM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight