In attendance:
Debbie Robinette, President, Terry Lewis, Vice President (by phone conference), Jerry Knight, Secretary, Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer,
Absent: Sheila Gray, and Sandra Lashley, Terri Shanahan – – At Large Members
Call to Order at 7:33 AM
Treasurer Report: Teri Pizzlola did not have the report at the meeting but will email it to the board members. The treasurer report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request.
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Debbie gave the report. All billing for membership dues is up to date. One new GBACC member joined in March, Carmella Smith, Realtor. GBACC currently has 86 members.
• The back page of the Brunswick Citizen will be the business opportunity for April 2014.
• There will be a meeting at El Sloppy Taco on April 1st, 6:00 pm for the directory committee. The committee will review the table of contents; discuss the web directory, the layout, the cover and other suggestions.
Special Events:
• Speed Networking – Terry reported speed networking was a successful event. The turnout was low but the people who attended enjoyed it and suggested we do it again later in the year. The weather on the event night was cold and rainy.
• Business 101 Guerilla Marketing was a successful but again the attendance was low, the weather was bad on that night also. It was suggested we do not plan events for January, February and early March.
• New Member Reception and Summer Picnic – There will be a request in the Friday Newsletter for volunteers to work on these committees. A date for the Special Events Committee should be announced soon.
• Shredding Day Signs – Jerry got an estimated for yard signs from Signs By Tomorrow and it was near $200.00. The suggestion was made to get other estimates from a business supply store to blow up the shredding day flyer and put it on a pole.
Tourism Committee: This committee will be discussed at the new member reception to see if we can find new members interested in chairing it.
New Business:
The 2014 Budget was to be discussed at this meeting but because of the low attendance it will be postponed to the next meeting.
The Board selected the third Tuesday of the month, 4:30 PM at the Brunswick Medical Center Board Room for the meeting. The motion was made by Teri and with a second from Debbie, it was passed.
The Lovettsville May Day Festival was discussed and it was agreed GBACC would have a table and a request for volunteers to work the GBACC table will be in the Friday newsletter.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 AM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight