In attendance: Debbie Robinette, President, Terry Lewis, Vice President, and Jerry Knight, Secretary, Members at Large: Ellis Burruss, Rosanne Roe, Pat Schoonover, (2015 board) and Angel White Liaison to the City Council attended the meeting. ,

Absent: Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer, Members at Large: Sheila Gray Terri Shanahan, Sandra Lashley

Call to Order at 4:38 PM

Treasurer Report: The treasurer’s report was available for the board to read and it was approved by a motion from Jerry and second from Terry Lewis. The treasurer’s report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request.

Committee Reports:

Membership Report: Debbie Robinette gave the report.   GBACC currently has 81 members. All the November dues statements have been completed and mailed.


  • The next advertising opportunity will be the back page of the Brunswick Citizen on December 3rd.

Special Events:

Expo – Ellis gave an update on the Expo at the Brunswick Fire Department on Wednesday, November 12th. 300+ people attended and it was considered a great success. The December 3rd End of the Year Reception at the Heritage Museum was briefly discussed and it was agreed to hold a committee meeting after the board meeting.


New Business:

Jerry will write the amendment for the associate membership for retired business people who would like to be involved in GBACC and it will be added to Bylaws.

Ellis passed around an example of the coupon book. A discussion followed on where the books could be distributed and the cost. Terry Lewis will be the lead on a GBACC coupon book. This will be a 2015 Project.

Terry brought up the possibility of having a GBACC membership card. It was considered a good idea and having GBACC Membership paid once a year was discussed. Angel suggested checking with other organization to see how they organize their billing. This will be a 2015 project and will be discuss more at a later meeting.

The GBACC Secretary duties were discussed. It was decided the 2015 Board will be invited to the December 16th Board Meeting and the agenda will be how to divide up the Secretary duties.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:35 PM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight. The next board meeting is December 16, 2014, 4:30 PM at the Medical Center.