In attendance: Debbie Robinette, President, Abbie Ricketts, Vice President, Jerry Knight, Secretary Absent:
Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer, Sheila Gray – At Large Member, Terry Lewis – At Large Member,
Dave Hall – At Large Member, Ellis Burruss – Liaison to the City Council
Call to Order at 7:40 AM Treasurer Report: The treasurer report was approved as written. The treasurer report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request. Jerry will check with the Brunswick Expo Committee to see if all bills have been submitted.
Old Business:
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Debbie gave the report. All billing for membership dues is up to date. There are currently 83 members of GBACC. In January 2014 a Membership Committee meeting will be scheduled to discuss Membership problems and solutions for the upcoming year.
Advertising/Promotions: Jerry – The place mat is done and will be delivered this week in time for Thanksgiving. The back page of the Brunswick Citizen ad is sold out.
Special Events:
End of the Year Mixer – There will be a meeting on December 4, 2013 to finalize the details for the December 11th Year End Reception. The time will be announced as soon as it is scheduled. Debbie will re-check with the museum that we are clear to use the facility on this date. Debbie and Abbie will work on the food and Abbie will check on selecting someone to provide the music. GBACC will donate to Brunswick Main Street and Main Street will provide the wine for the event. More details after the December 4th meeting.
Brunswick Business Expo – This will be discussed at a later Board Meeting.
Tourism & Instruction: Abbie discussed the last Tourism Meeting. After the first of the year Abbie would like to work on getting more tourism information on the GBACC web page..
New Business:
The GBACC Web site was briefly discussed and changes to the member directory are the primary cause for concern. It will be discussed more fully at a later meeting when more board members are in attendance.
The next board meeting will be December 10th rather than on December 17 so a last minutes review can be done on the Year End Reception.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 AM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight