In attendance: Debbie Robinette, President Abbie Ricketts, Vice President
Jerry Knight, Secretary Sheila Gray – At Large Member
Terry Lewis – At Large Member
Absent Teri Pizzlola, Treasurer
Dave Hall – At Large Member
Ellis Burruss – Liaison to the City Council
Call to Order at 7:42 AM Treasurer Report: The treasurer report was not available for the meeting. The treasurer report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request. Jerry will be working with Teri to bring the lap top computer up to date on the Treasures information.
Old Business:

Committee Reports:

Membership Report: Debbie gave the report. All billing for membership dues is up to date. There are currently 83 members of GBACC. One application was received from the Railroad Days booth but the dues have not been paid yet. New members should be spotlighted at a business meeting, encouraged to discuss their business and get their new member packet. A poll should be taken to see if the business meeting should be changed to an evening meeting.

Advertising/Promotions: Jerry – The next advertising opportunity will be the Place Mat. Information on this will be in the Friday newsletter. It was suggested GBACC do the back page of the Citizen for a holiday ad and Jerry will arrange the ad.

Special Events:
The Business Expo – Abbie reported an estimated 400 – 500 people attended the GBACC Expo, October 18th at the Brunswick High School. During the Expo Committee wrap up meeting the comments from the vendors were discussed. Having the Expo at the High School again next year was discussed but keeping it all in Gym one was the primary suggestion. Over all the Expo was considered a success.
End of the Year Mixer – At this mixer the GBACC Charity Awards will be given. The tentative date would be Wednesday, December 12, 2013, 6 to 8 at the Railroad Museum. Debbie will check with the museum to see if GBACC can use it for the reception. Jerry will put a article in the Friday Newsletter request members to submit ideas for our annual donation to charity. Terry will call a meeting for a committee to plan the event.
Business 101 – The end of January and the month of February were the dates suggested for the next Business 101 Classes. Advertising topics such as Linkin and Constant Contact would be subjects of interested to the business community. The events committee should begin planning this event.
2014 GBACC Events – Some of the events to be scheduled for 2014 will be the summer picnic, a speed networking event, two new member receptions (Jan & Jun), Kick Off to Railroad Days. GBACC Members are encouraged to submit other ideas for events.

Tourism & Instruction: Abbie discussed the Tourism Meeting. She had not attended but gave a report on information she had received. Jerry and Debbie had attended and also discussed the meeting. The Pros and Cons of different organizations in Brunswick were discussed at the meeting.
Canal Town is planning a bike rally next June to go from Cumberland to Point of Rocks. More information will be shared on how this area can benefit from this event as it is available.
A brief discussion on adding more funky bikes around the area to attract tourist was discussed.

New Business:

The ballots for the upcoming election will be sent out soon, the election is at a special meeting of GBACC on Wednesday, November 13th, 7:30 AM at the Railroad Museum.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 AM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight