In attendance: Terry Lewis, Vice President, Jerry Knight, Secretary, Teri Pizzlola (briefly), Treasurer and Ellis Burruss, Liaison to the City Council
Absent: Debbie Robinette, President, Members at Large: Terri Shanahan,
Sandra Lashley, Sheila Gray
Call to Order at 4:39 PM
Treasurer Report: The Treasurer’s report was given and accepted as written by a motion from Terry Lewis and a second from Jerry Knight. It was noted Teri is still checking with the bank on the service change. The treasurer’s report is on file with the Treasurer and is available on request.
Committee Reports:
Membership Report: Debbie Robinette is out of town so Jerry reported the Membership Chair did a recount on GBACC members and the correct total is 81. All the September dues statements have been completed and mailed.
The GBACC Frederick News Post Expo Insert has sold out. A second insert will be done and Jerry will put the request for ads in the next Newsletter. One side of the insert will have a full page ad for the Expo the other side will have business ads with “visit me at the business booth number”.
Special Events:
Terry Lewis discussed the kick off to Railroad Days event on October 3rd. This is a GBACC and Brunswick Main Street event. Terry met with Main Street Manager Terri Householder on Wednesday August 27th to discuss the event. Arrangements will be basically the same as last year. Main Street will do the bar and music, GBACC will do the food. GBACC will offer local downtown restaurants $50.00 to provide food for thirty people.
Expo – Ellis gave an update on the event. It is scheduled to be at the Brunswick Fire Department on Wednesday, November 12 from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. A working group for the expo is scheduled Friday, Sept 19th at the Main Street Office.
The Voters Forum will be Wednesday, October 8th at the City Hall Building. The Board gave Ellis permission to purchase refreshments for the event and charge GBACC.
The GBACC General Business Meeting will be Tuesday, October 7th at Brunswick City Hall. Terry Lewis will provide the coffee and charge GBACC for any costs. The General Meeting is usually the second Wednesday of the month but changed due to the Voters Forum on Wednesday.
New Business:
The names of the nominees for the new 2015 GBACC Board and officers will be announced at the October Business Meeting, and the floor will be opened for further nominations. If there are not any nominations from the floor the nominees will be confirmed and will take office January 1, 2015.
Terry Lewis discussed GBACC sponsoring a coupon book for the membership. Coupons would be sold and the books would be distributed with the Welcome Totes and at other events. It was considered a very good idea and will be discussed more at the next GBACC Board Meeting.
A table at Railroad Days was discussed and Jerry will put a request for volunteers and member advertising material in the next GBACC Newsletter. Jerry will also contact Airport Sign to see if we can get the table sign before Railroad Days. The Expo table will have copies of past GBACC events photo books. It was suggested we have copies of the business directory, examples of the inserts, place mats and back cover of the Brunswick Citizen on the table. A poster board with photos of GBACC events would be good if a volunteer could be found to make it.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:30 PM. The minutes were written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight. The next board meeting is October 21, 2014, 4:30 PM at the Medical Center.