
Board Members   Liaisons   Others
X Terry Lewis, President X Angel White (City)    
X Michelle McIntyre, VP X Abbie Ricketts (Main St)    
X Jerry Knight Secretary        
X Ellis Burruss, Treasurer        
X Sheila Gray        
X Callie Fulmer        
  Tim Wilson        



The meeting of the GBACC Board was called to order at 5:32 pm on September 7, 2016 by Terry Lewis.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from August 2016 were approved by motion from Ellis, second from Michelle

Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

GBACC Treasurer Ellis Burruss gave the report. The report was approved.

Open Issues

Lovettsville Oktoberfest:

  • GBACC will participate in the Oktoberfest as a guest of the Lovettsville Business and Tourism Committee at their information tent. A notice will be put in the Friday Newsletter advising members to drop off at City Hall by 4:00 PM, September 21st any items they wish to have distributed. GBACC will share the space with Brunswick Main Street and Angel is checking to see if the EDC would like to participate.

Kick Off to Railroad Day and Railroad Days:

For the Kick Off event, 7 -9pm on Friday, September 30:  Main Street will provide music by Tomy Wright.  EDC will provide the food for approximately 60 people.  GBACC Vice President Michelle McIntyre will purchase the liquid refreshment.  Ellis will prepare and mail a post card to GBACC and Main Street members.  Jerry will search for door prizes.  On Railroad Days October 1 and 2 there will be a tent and table in front of 5 West Potomac Street, inside a few businesses will set up.  Lovettsville will participate with GBACC at Railroad Days.

BIZ 101:

Tuesday, October 4 at the Legion (to be confirmed by Angel). “How to use Facebook for your Business”  Doors open at 6 pm, class from 6:30 to 8:00. Christina will introduce her employee who will teach. Angel will check on using the city hall screen.  We will have light snacks (chips and dip); the downstairs bar will be available.

Brunswick Business Expo:

Abbie suggested sending a post card about the Expo to businesses in the Brunswick Area Business Directory that do not have email addresses listed. Abbie will ask Smoketown Brewing Station if they would like to provide craft beer samples at the Expo, if they do their registration fee should be returned.  The Expo should be promoted at both the Lovettsville Oktoberfest and Brunswick Railroad Days.

Board & Officer Elections:

  • The secretary advised the board there were not any volunteers from the membership to serve on the board so the current board will serve for another year. A tentative Membership meeting may be scheduled for November 14th and the board will be introduced.

Bylaws and Website:

A meeting to discuss the Bylaws and website is set for Monday, October 10th at 5 West Potomac Street.  The changes can be put to a membership vote at the November 14th meeting.

2017 Business Directory:

Ellis spoke with the Frederick News Post and they would like to do a 2017 Business Directory.  Jerry made a motion to accept, Callie made the second.  It was passed.


Meeting was adjourned at 6:30 pm

The next Board meeting will be Monday, October 3, 2016, at the 5 West Potomac

Minutes submitted by: Jerry Knight as edited by Terry Lewis and Ellis Burruss