Call to order at 6:04 pm
Attending: Terry, Sheila, Abbie, Tim, Ellis. Liaisons: Angel, Tiffaney
1) Minutes
The July minutes were approved as presented
2) Treasurer’s report
The treasurer reported July expenses ($489.93) and deposits ($650.00). Upon request, the expenses were detailed.
Jerry is trying to learn Quickbooks so our books can be kept on it. Terry will ask Phil for a PayPal report of dues since January.
3) Beer & Pizza recap
A successful event with nearly 30 people in attendance. The tour of the coming event venue was much enjoyed. Sponsorship by GO2 and the take at the door meant that GBACC spend less than $30 on the event.
4) Welcome totes
The call for tote stuffings has been in the Newsletter and will also be put on GBACC F/B. The deadline is Wed. Sept 6 to drop materials at city hall. Lovettsville businesses can drop at city hall there and Ellis will pick up. Stuffing on Friday 9/8 and distribution on Sat. and Sun. An Expo”Save the Date” is to be included as well as a “Missed you!” door hanger.
We will try to recruit 2-3 more people to help on the distribution: 3-4 teams
5) Organization
Web site — Generally the new website is much appreciated — particularly the drone flight (the music accompanying the drone is much too loud and inappropriate — Phil will be asked to tone it down).
Abbie will meet with Phil about a page for the Expo along with registration.
Newsletter — There was a suggestion that the Newsletter layout be changed to have a timely article appear as the first item. The photo contest will also be started.
Membership — We do not have a membership director and membership has fallen off to under 60 current members. Ellis will continue to send out renewal letters and try go get fallen members to rejoin. Abbie suggested a membership drive. It was suggested that 2018 membership be offered before Oct. 31. Angel suggested a meeting to discuss the problems.
Cooperative advertising is one of the benefits of membership. Jerry will be asked to sell the ads for placemat #50.
Higher fees for non-members at the Expo should also help.
Board elections, resignations — Nominations for Vice President, treasurer, and 3 at-large board members are being accepted. Members were urged to make nominations.
6) Biz 101
Ellis will call Jill Kurtz about the proposed class on “web presence” in Oct.
It was suggested that there be a BIZ 101 class on ad design for a new EDDM postcard that had been suggested.
7) Community Discussion
The proposed apartment development on RR Square could have a big impact on local businesses. It would be appropriate for GBACC to host a community informational meeting in conjunction with Main Street and the Citizen. The City will have a public workshop in late August. We can decide after that if we want to hold an additional meetings.
8) Expo
The new fees schedule was approved:
Leave GBACC fees the same: $45 for a table; 60 for a booth. Raise non-members to $75 for a table; $90 for a booth; Raise the late fee to $50.00. Change the registration deadline to Nov. 1