
Board Members   Liaisons   Others
X Terry Lewis, President X Angel White (City)    
X Michelle McIntyre, VP X Abbie Ricketts (Main St)    
X Jerry Knight Secretary        
X Ellis Burruss, Treasurer        
X Sheila Gray        
X Callie Fulmer        


The February meeting of the GBACC Board was called to order at 5:05 pm on February 1, 2016 by Terry Lewis at the American Legion.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from January 2016 reviewed and approved.

Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

GBACC Treasurer Ellis Burruss gave the report. It was approved as given.

Using the 2013 budget as a template, Ellis will submit a draft budget to the board for approval. Directors’ and officers’ (D&O) insurance: Ellis will meet later in the week to discuss with an insurance sales rep recommended by Amanda McGannon. Abbie spoke about the Brunswick Main Street insurance plans.

Open Issues


The next advertising opportunity is the Frederick News Post insert. The announcement is in the GBACC Newsletter and it should go out in early March.

GBACC Office

Ellis spoke about his search for office space to hold GBACC meetings, small classes and storage. He is speaking with Mr. Klaypack about his vacant store front on West Potomac. The Board discussed how to word an agreement with Mr. Klaypack for the space. Ellis will submit an edited Letter of Understanding for board approval. Abbie will speak with Mr. Lesser about other vacant space.

Welcome Totes

The target date for the Welcome Totes is March 20th. The board discussed getting Lovettsville involved with this project. Angel will discuss it with the Lovettsville Mayor. Ten Welcome Totes will be left at Brunswick City Hall to be given to new home owners.

Website maintenance and update

The board is evaluating the website for revisions/updates.


The Frederick News Post has submitted a proposal to produce the Brunswick Business Directory. The negotiated Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between GBACC and the FNP was discussed and suggestions will be incorporated in a new draft to be submitted to the FNP. A motion was passed to work with the FNP to produce the next edition of the Directory.

There was only one design submitted for the Directory cover. The board agreed to honor the terms of the contest as published in the GBACC newsletter and the Citizen and accepted the design with the condition that we will request that the FNP pay for the design out of the ad sales revenue.

New Business

GBACC Special Events:

This will be discussed at the 7:00 PM meeting following the Board Meeting


Meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm

The next Board meeting will be March 7, 2016, place TBD

Minutes submitted by: Jerry Knight as edited by Terry Lewis and Ellis Burruss