1)    Minutes

The minutes of the August board meeting were approved.

2)    Treasurer’s report

Year-to-date budget report shows expenses generally running under budget.

3)    Welcome totes

Need to discuss involving more members in the distribution. The newsletter will encourage involvement saying it is about 2 hours per quarter. Brunswick Crossing received 9 bags and will likely need more to cover their backlog. New residents are not picking up totes and they will need distribution. The GBACC Flyer should be stapled to the outside of the totes and a door hanger provided.

4)   RR Days Kick off

Friday, Oct. 6 in RR square by the caboose. 6:00 to 8:00pm. The EDC will not be co-sponsoring so Main Street and GBACC will split the costs for food, music, and drinks. Invitations will be sent out next week. Invitations are to be sent to recent GBACC drop-offs.


5)    Expo

3 food samplers have been lined up and board members will talk with 4 others. Jeff Snoots will MC the event and the band will help again with unloading and loading for exhibitors for $200. We need to make a special effort to contact sponsors for the bags.

Placemat #50 will be in full color and will feature a large ad for the Expo in the center. It will be in restaurants in early October.

6)     Board elections

Sheila has been nominated for VP (Terry will ask Phil if he will serve as at-large on the board); Ellis as treasurer; Tim and Samantha as at-large board. Nomination will be posted in the newsletter by Oct. 10

7)    Membership

The task force report was sent with the agenda. There has been no time to work on the recruitment trifold.

8)    Admin asst.

Ellis will prepare a proposal.

9)       Biz 101

It was decided to not pursue the October Biz 101 class.