
Board Members   Liaisons   Others
X Terry Lewis, President X Angel White (City)    
  Terri Shanahan, VP X Abbie Ricketts (Main St)    
X Jerry Knight Secretary        
  Teri Pizzitola, Treasurer        
X Ellis Burruss        
  Pat Schoonover        
X Michelle McIntyre        



The regular meeting of the GBACC Board meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm on September 14, 2015 by Terry Lewis, President.

Approval of Minutes

Minutes from September 2015 reviewed and approved.

Approval of the Treasurer’s Report

Treasurer’s report of September 2015 was not available at this time.

Open Issues

  • Business Expo
    • Parking: Exhibitors will be REQUIRED to move their vehicles out of the fire Co. parking lot to make space for visitors. Parking has been offered by Brunswick Crossing at the community center. River and Trail will offer transportation between the Expo and the parking. Rather than one single exhibitors’ kit, we will send out several by email, and snail mail to emphasize the importance of the parking and to not overwhelm exhibitors with TMI in one mailing.
    • Angel is coordinating with the band for unloading and loading ($200 donation will be made to the band)
    • River and Trial has paid their sponsorship. Terry will check with Terri P. to make certain that Brunswick Physical Therapy and Blue Ridge Wheel have paid. Ellis will get the art files from Blue Ridge Wheel and River and Trial.
    • Advertising: ¼ page ad in the Frederick News Post is $920.00, $282 for last year’s size. Large ads are just too expensive so we will use an insert as was done last year. Ellis will prepare a mock up with prices for 6 or 8 ads. We will also repeat the large ads in the Brunswick Citizen. A standard jpeg ad for social media will be distributed and will be used for the FB boosted post just before the Expo. It will consist of the poster with some additions such as the Fire Co. menu. The GBACC web site will change next week away from exhibitor recruitment and more for appeal to the general public.
  • Bingo will be black out bingo; Tiffaney is looking for images and Ellis will prepare a template.
  • Directory 2016-17
    • It was proposed that GBACC publish a new 2016-17 Directory that will be substantially the same as the previous one. The offer to the City of Brunswick to co-publish the directory was rejected. The Directory will, again, be paid for by the sale of display ads and sponsorships. Ellis will oversee the project. Jerry made a motion it be approved, Michelle made the 2nd and the motion passed unanimously.
    • It was suggested GBACC should have a contest for the cover of the directory and the new River Mural would be the focus. Voting for the final selection could be at the end of the year event.
  • Membership – review list

The membership list and on-line directory have been updated.

  • Engaging volunteers
    • Postponed until a later meeting
  • New Members
    • List has been updated
    • An email will be sent to non GBACC Expo exhibitors offering discount membership if they join before the Expo. New members joining now will have a renew date of January 1, 2017
  • Website maintenance and update
    • Postponed
  • Placemat advertising
    • The placemats are finished and distributed to the restaurants. Billing has been completed. The next advertising opportunity will be a Frederick News Post insert for the Business Expo
  • End of the year Event

The end of the year event will be at the Brunswick Heritage Museum, December 3, 2015, 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Michelle will cater the event.

$200 checks will be given to the Brunswick Heritage Museum, Brunswick Food Bank, BEACON, Jefferson Food Bank and the Western Loudoun Food Pantry.

Brunswick Main Street – mural

A check for $1000 was presented by GBACC President Terry Lewis to Main Street Chair Abbie Ricketts for the Brunswick River Mural.

  • New Business
  • Elections – Announcements for new board members has been in the GBACC Newsletter but no nominees have been forthcoming. The GBACC Board will now begin a search for new At Large Members.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:43 pm by Terry Lewis.

The next Board meeting will be at 7 pm on November 2, 2015, place TBD

Minutes submitted by: Jerry Knight as edited by Ellis Burruss and Terry Lewis