GBACC Business Meeting
July 10, 2013
Brunswick Railroad Museum

Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:30am by Debbie Robinette, President.

The Minutes were approved as submitted.

Treasurer’s Report- No report was given.

Old Business
Membership Committee
Debbie Robinette reported that one new member had joined, Amber Hill Physical Therapy. Billing has been completed and reminders will be sent to those who have not renewed.
Advertising- Welcome totes will be delivered in July. A co-op will be placed on the back page of the Citizen.

Business Expo- Abbie Ricketts reported that plans are underway and a location has been confirmed, the Brunswick High School Gymnasium. Registration mailing will go out in early August and publicity will begin. Terry Lewis and Abbie Ricketts represent GBACC on the EXPO Committee.
Terry Lewis reminded everyone that the Middletown Chamber Mixer was being held on July 11 and GBACC members were invited.
The Railroad Days Kick Off Party was briefly discussed. The Events Committee will be planning the details. There was discussion about doing the GBACC awards at the gathering.

New Business
A vote was taken to approve changing the Business Meetings to quarterly rather than monthly. The next meeting will be in October.

Maret Sisas of the Welcome Wagon gave a presentation to the membership. She explained the advantages of participating in the program and how it could help one make contact with new residents. Information was left with those attending and will be discussed at a later date.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30am.
Minutes submitted by Abbie Ricketts.