Called to Order 6:12 PM, GBACC President Debbie Robinette was out of town so the meeting was conducted by GBACC Vice President Abbie Ricketts.
Amy Dinges of the Brunswick High School Athletic Boosters spoke of the need for funding for high school equipment. She explained the Boosters are a group of parent volunteers who work together to support all student athletes at the High School. Ms. Dinges went on to explain the Boosters help buy weight room equipment, send coaches to clinics, assist the coaches with some needed equipment and many other items. One of the primary needs is to replace the aging scoreboards.
After the talk by Ms Dinges the General Business Meeting began at 6:38 PM:
The minutes for the May 2013 meeting were approved unanimously after a motion from Ellis Burruss and a second from Joanne Runkles.
Abbie gave the Treasurer’s Report. A $2.00 service fee was questioned and the Secretary will ask the Treasurer about it. Terry Lewis made a motion and Lee Bailey made the second for the report to be approved. It was approved unanimously. The treasurer’s report is on file with the GBACC Treasurer.
Abbie reported for Debbie that all membership billings for the month of June have been completed and there was one new member, Amber Hill Physical Therapy.
Advertising: Jerry Knight reported he and Debbie Robinette took out the welcome totes. The place mat is sold out and it should be distributed next week. The next GBACC advertising opportunity will be the back page of the Brunswick Citizen. Information will be in the weekly newsletter.
Events – Brunswick Expo: Abbie Ricketts told the group the Expo is scheduled for Oct 18th, 6:00 to 9:00 PM at the Brunswick High School gym and planning is still under way. The Expo is a joint event for GBACC and the EDC. The room layout plan has been accomplished and chairs and table will come from the fire hall. A “booth camp” conducted by Christina May will be available free of charge for participates in the Expo. The booth camp will give the Expo experience and help vendors on how to promote their business and table layout. Registration for the Expo should begin soon. Two restaurants have been confirmed for the event.
BIZ 101 – Ellis Burruss told the attendees the recent BIZ 101 was successful with sixty-four attendees for the four classes. The next BIZ 101 will not be until after the Expo in October. Ideas for topics were requested.
June Mixer – Terry Lewis ask members to attend the next GBACC Mixer. It will be Thursday, June 20th, 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Grasshopper Garden and Patio. It will be outside and there will be door prizes, food, beer, wine and other refreshments. Traffic on Rt 340 can be heavy around 5:00 pm so alternative direction will be in the newsletter and post card.
The Community Picnic – Terry also gave a report on the upcoming picnic, Saturday, June 20th at Square Corner Park. She will occupy the GBACC table and is requesting all businesses contact the GBACC Secretary if they have information to be displayed. Ellis will make GBACC Note pads for the promotional item to be given away.
New Business:
The idea for a Linkelin GBACC group was put on hold until later.
Joanne Runkles President of the Brunswick Medical Center and the sponsor for this meeting gave a fascinating talk on the history of the Medical Center. The Medical Center began with an idea in 1974 and after clearing many hurdles it was completed and opened on November 27, 1981 and now has 40,000 patients.
Adjourned 7:30 PM with a motion from Jerry Knight and a second from Lee Bailey
Minutes written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight