Called to Order 7:40 AM
Location: Brunswick Railroad Museum, 40 West Potomac Street

The minutes for the February 2013 meeting were approved unanimously with a motion from Ellis Burruss and a second from Terry Lewis.

Debbie Robinette gave the Treasurer’s Report, Ellis Burruss made a motion and Terry Shanahan made the second for the report to be approved. They were approved unanimously. The treasurer report is on file with the GBACC Treasurer.

Debbie reported all membership billings for the month of March have been completed and the current membership is eighty-eight (88) members.

Jerry Knight advised the group the next advertising event for GBACC will be the back page of the Brunswick Citizen. There would be twelve (12) spaces available at a cost of $31.00 per ad. More information will be available in the February 15th GBACC Newsletter. It was suggested that a three-time commitment rather than just a one time deal might get a discount from the Citizen. Jerry will check with Julie at the Brunswick Citizen to see if she will give a discount for a three month program..

Abbie Ricketts told the group the Brunswick Fire Department is not available for Friday night to hold the GBACC/EDC Business Expo. The working group is considering a mid-October date for the event. A Saturday, 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM is being considered.
This Friday, March 15th some of the member of the Expo Committee will attend the Thurmont Business Expo and then have dinner to discuss the Brunswick Expo. Everyone was very pleased with the 2012 Brunswick Expo that had 48 businesses represented.

Debbie discussed the next GBACC Awards Dinner. A meeting of the awards dinner committee will be today, Wednesday, March 13th, 10:30 AM at the Green Country Inn. Debbie has already contacted several businesses in the area that could hold the dinner. She will have that information available at the meeting.

Ellis explained April 30, 2013 is the target date for the BIZ 101 meet the expert reception at the American Legion. The working group will meet next Tuesday, March 19 to finalize the details.

The membership survey for the GBACC General Business Meeting time was passed around the meeting. The survey shows a majority of people prefer evening meetings and some wanting either the alternate form of meetings or morning meetings. “It was decided starting April 10, 2013 at 6:00 PM GBACC will go to the alternate form of meetings. Even months will be at 6:00 PM; Odd months will be at 7:30 AM.”, Jerry Knight made a motion and Terry Shanahan made the second for the meeting time change to be approved. Abbie checked with Walt Stull and the museum can be used for the evening meetings.”.

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 AM, Minutes prepared by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight