GBACC Business Meeting Minutes
April 9, 2014
Brunswick Railroad Museum
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:10 PM by Debbie Robinette, GBACC President.
The Minutes were approved as submitted after a motion from Ellis Burruss and a second from Terri Shanahan.
Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted after a motion from Terry Lewis and second from Jennifer Effler. The treasurer’s report is on file with the GBACC Treasurer.
Old Business
Membership Committee:
Debbie Robinette reported GBACC currently has 88 members with seven new members since January 1st. Billing has been completed for the month of April. A meeting will be called for the Membership Committee. Debbie discussed the advantages of a GBACC Membership. A new member reception will be in May.
Currently the Brunswick Citizen back page is being offered to the membership. The next advertising opportunity will be the Frederick News Post insert. The GBACC Brunswick Campground Brochure draft was passed around the room.
The Special Events Committee Chair Terry Lewis announced the GBACC New Member Reception will be on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 5 to 7 PM at Bean in the Belfry. The GBACC Annual Business Card Exchange Picnic will be June 18th, 5 to 8 PM at Grasshopper. Members and their families will be invited to attend. Also some former GBACC Board Members will be invited to attend.
New Business
All the proposed changes to the GBACC bylaws were approved after a motion from Ellis Burruss, second by Pat Schoonover and a vote of the members present.
The business meeting adjourned at 7:05 PM.
Coffee and Contact: Terry Lewis of Life Time Memories discussed her business and invited everyone to enjoy refreshment.