GBACC Business Meeting Minutes
February 13, 2013
Brunswick Railroad Museum
Attendance: There were 13 members present.
The Minutes were approved unanimously.
Elections were held and the ballots counted. Debbie Robinette was elected President and Jerry Knight was elected Secretary. Outgoing President Phil Graves thanked everyone for their support and wished the new officers well.
Treasurer’s Report No report available
Membership Report
William Harris received his membership certificate. Jo Ann Runkles was welcomed as a new GBACC member.
Ellis Burruss reported that the placemats have been distributed and the inserts came out in the FNP newspaper.
Business 101
The first seminar is tentatively planned for mid to late March. It will be a one or two night event with the theme “Ask the Expert”. Ellis Burruss invited anyone who might want to serve as an “expert” to contact him.
Business Advisory Committee
Ellis Burruss explained the concept of forming a committee that would assist businesses who are in need of services.
Frederick Chamber Expo- A survey of the membership will be taken to find out if there is interest in GBACC participating.
Business Expo
A meeting will be called of the working group on February 20.
Jerry will take the Board photo and send Phil all Board members addresses.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30am.
Minutes submitted by Abbie Ricketts, Outgoing Secretary.