GBACC Business Meeting Minutes
January 8, 2014
Brunswick Railroad Museum
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 7:37 am by Debbie Robinette, GBACC President.
The names for the 2014 GBACC Board were announced: President, Debbie Robinette, Vice President – Terry Lewis of Lifetime Memories, Secretary Jerry Knight, Treasurer – Terry Pizzitola of River Valley Dental, At Large Members: Sheila Gray of Shaklee, Terri Shanahan of PhotoHog and Sandra Lashley, Licensed Psychologist
The Minutes were approved as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted. The treasurer’s report is on file with the GBACC Treasurer.
Old Business
Membership Committee:
Debbie Robinette reported GBACC currently has 86 members. Billing has been completed and reminders will be sent to those who have not renewed. A meeting will be called for the Membership Committee. A brochure describing the benefits of a GBACC Membership was briefly discussed and will be a topic at the Membership Committee Meeting.
Currently the Frederick News Post Valentine insert is being offered to the membership. The next advertising opportunity will be the Place Mat.
A meeting for the Events Committee will be scheduled soon. A tentative date for the Speed Networking event will be March 19th and the American Legion will be asked if it can be at their location. Ellis advised the Business 101 Committee would like to make the theme of the Speed Networking “Affiliated Marketing”. Businesses would discuss how they can help each other out with advertising their business.
Ellis spoke about the Tuesday, January 7th Business 101 Meeting. The Brunswick Business Breakfast with Mr. Charlie Thomas from SCORE as the speaker is Thursday, January 23. The upcoming classes for Business 101 will be: Effective Email Marketing, February 19; Gorilla Marketing March 3rd, and the GBACC Speed Networking on March 19th. There will be a charge of $10.00 for non GBACC Members for the Classes (not speed networking).
Tourism & Instruction:
A temporary Brunswick Rack Card was passed around the room and met with approval. It will be used for the State and local Welcome Centers until a more permanent brochure can be finalized. Abbie discussed the C&O Canal Bike Journey – From Towpath to Town on June 15 – 19, 2014 and how it will involve the downtown Brunswick businesses. More information on this event is on the Brunswick Main Street web page,
New Business
A survey of the membership will be made to see if a morning or evening meeting time would get more people to attend the meetings. It was decided the April Business Meeting will be at 6:00 PM.
The GBACC Board will review the GBACC By Laws and make suggestions to the membership for changes. The Business Meeting has changed to every three months so it makes the election process out dated.
The business meeting adjourned at 8:15 am.
Minutes submitted by Jerry Knight, GBACC Secretary.
Coffee and Contact: Carl Harris of Real Comfort Systems sponsored this meeting and spoke about his business, then took questions. Terri Shanahan of PhotoHog Photography had helped Carl with the refreshments for the meeting and she also spoke about her business. Members then enjoy coffee, light refreshment and networking.