Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM by Debbie Robinette, GBACC President.

The Minutes of the April 2014 meeting were approved as submitted after a motion from Pat Schoonover and a second from Terry Lewis.

Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted after a motion from Ellis Burruss and second from Joanne Runkles. The treasurer’s report is on file with the GBACC Treasurer.

Old Business
Membership Committee:
Debbie Robinette reported GBACC currently has 83 members. Billing has been completed for the month of July.
Next GBACC Advertising opportunity will be the Placemat. The Welcome Totes will be delivered this Saturday, July 12th. The Business Directory is printed and copies were passed out at the meeting.
Special Events:
Ellis discussed the Brunswick Business Expo. It will be at the Brunswick Fire Hall the first or second Saturday afternoon in November. The Expo Working Group will meet at El Sloppy Taco, 5:00 PM on Friday July 18th to discuss the Expo. Anyone interested is welcome to attend.
The Special Events Committee Chair Terry Lewis reported. The GBACC Annual Business Card Exchange Picnic will be July 23rd, 5 to Dusk at Grasshopper. Members and their families are invited to attend. The “Kick Off to Railroad Days” is the Friday before Railroad Days, this year on October 3rd. Members attending the meeting were ask for ideas on what should be done. Everyone agreed the format for the last two years was good and should be followed.

New Business
BIZ 101 was discussed. The Boot Camp for the Expo will be in September. The proposal from Phil Graves on a “Like a Boss Social Media” seminar was discussed it was decided it was good and Phil should be ask if he would be in charge of preparing it.
The members present had a lengthy discussion on how to get more members involved in GBACC. Tiffany will work on getting members to participate in Facebook business recommendations.
The nominations for the 2015 Board were briefly discussed. The upcoming positions open for nominations are President, Secretary and the three at large members. From the GBACC Bylaws: Nominations to the GBACC Board will be solicited by the Friday Newsletter in July and August, if no nominations are received by August 15th a Nominating Committee of three (3) members will be recruited to find nominees for the Board.

The business meeting adjourned at 7:00 PM.

Coffee and Contact: Jen Effler of State Farm Insurance discussed her business and invited everyone to enjoy refreshments.