Called to Order 7:38 AM, GBACC President Debbie Robinette was out of town so the meeting was conducted by GBACC Vice President Abbie Ricketts.
The minutes for the April 2013 meeting were approved unanimously with a motion from Ellis Burruss and a second from Sheila Gray.
Abbie gave the Treasurer’s Report, Jerry Knight made a motion and Ellis Burruss made the second for the report to be approved. They were approved unanimously. The treasurer report is on file with the GBACC Treasurer.
Abbie reported for Debbie that all membership billings for the month of May have been completed and there were not any new memberships.
Advertising: Jerry Knight passed around examples of the GBACC Frederick News Post Insert and the GBACC Place Mats. He advised the place mat will be the next advertising opportunity and the information should be in the Friday, May 10th newsletter. The deadline for getting information into the Welcome Totes is April 15th and the information should be dropped off at City Hall.
Events – Brunswick Expo: Abbie Ricketts told the group the Expo is scheduled for Oct 18th, 6:00 to 9:00 PM at the Brunswick High School gym. The Expo is a joint event for GBACC and the EDC. The EDC has applied for a Frederick County Tourism Council grant to help with the advertising. The working group is working to get a maximum on ten and a minimum of five restaurants to participate in the Expo and letters are being sent out to ask them to participate. There are not any Expo charges for a restaurant to participate. Table pricing will depend on the Tourism grant and other factors and the date to sign up should be announced soon.
BIZ 101 – Ellis Burruss told the attendees the next class for BIZ 101 will be Monday, May 13th at City Hall and the topic will be Facebook. P&N Computers will lend a couple of lap tops to be used for the class. The next two classes in this series will be May 21, Google+ and May 29th, Twitter. Classes are free for GBACC members; $10 for non-members
June Mixer – Terry Lewis spoke ask members to attend the next GBACC Mixer. It will be Thursday, June 20th, 6:00 to 8:00 PM at Grasshopper Garden and Patio. It will be outside and there will be door prizes, food, beer, wine and other refreshments.
Shredding – Jerry gave a report on Shredding Day. 3,772 lbs were shredded, 60 cars went through and $125.00 in unsolicited donations was received. It was a successful day for GBACC.
GBACC Awards Dinner – Jerry reported for Debbie. The acceptance returns for the dinner are slow. The committee is working with the American Legion to make it a very special event.
New Business:
2013 Budget: Copies of the proposed budget were passed out to the group. Abbie explained the expenses on the budget and potentially other expenses. Jerry will check to see if a free storage area can be found for GBACC, saving $500.00. Ellis made the motion the budget be passed as presented, Pat Schoonover made the second and it was approved unanimously.
Debbie is the lead on the Award Dinner and she is out of town. General information was given that the dinner will be on May 18th, 6:00 to 9:00 PM at the American Legion. More information will be available in the weekly newsletter as it is available.
Brunswick Events Coordinator Fay Sanders ask the group to help the October 2013 Railroad Days by sending in application to have a booth at the event.
The Business Meeting concluded and Jeanne Carlson of the Lovettsville Co-Operative Market gave a brief description on the goals of the Co-op. They hope it will be a full service store and they are currently working on a membership drive. You can find out more at the Co-op and upcoming events at
Jeanne presented a $50.00 check to Sandy Cox of the Brunswick Food Bank.
Adjourned 8:25 PM with a motion from Ellis and a second from Terry
Minutes written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight