Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM by Ellis Burruss, acting for the GBACC President.

The Minutes of the July meeting were approved as submitted

Treasurer’s Report was approved as submitted after a motion from Pat Schoonover and a second from Terri Shanahan. The motion passed unanimously.

The treasurer’s report is on file with the GBACC Treasurer.

Old Business

Membership Committee:

Jerry reported for Debbie Robinette, GBACC currently has 84 members. Billing has been completed for the month of October.


The GBACC Frederick News Post Expo inserts are sold out and will go out in the October 27th and November 4 newspapers. One side of the insert will have an ad for the Expo and the other side will have the business ads. The next advertising opportunity will be the back page of the Brunswick Citizen on December 3rd.

Special Events:

Abbie discussed the Brunswick Business Expo. It will be at the Brunswick Fire on November 12th from 5:00 to 8:00 PM. Advertising: the poster and flyers are available. Jerry will distribute 50-60 posters to local and nearby businesses in late October. In addition to the inserts we hope to have an article in the FNP 72hours and a large ad in the Citizen Nov 5. Allison has been promoting the Expo on Facebook, but she needs content. The Extra Boost Facebook will go out in late October.

To encourage exhibitors to publicize the Expo, we are preparing cards for exhibitors to give out. The card will be a distinctive color and will bear the exhibitor’s name. Customers and other visitors will be encouraged to fill out and bring the card to the Expo which will give them an additional chance in the drawings. The exhibitor who has the most cards returned to the Expo will win a $50 cash prize. Each exhibitor will be given 75 cards with their name. An additional 1000 cards will be printed for extra publicity. The cards and instructions will be distributed to the Exhibitors during the week of October 13.

Ellis advised the Voters Forum is Wednesday, October 8th at the City Park Building. He passed around a copy of the program and encouraged everyone to attend.

The end of the year reception was discussed and it was agreed it will be much the same as the previous years. Charity awards and GBACC awards will be given; the preferred date is Wednesday, December 3rd and the location would be the Railroad Museum. Abbie made a motion this be approved and Pat seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

New Business:

It was suggested GBACC approve an associate membership for retired business people who would like to be involved in GBACC. Because they would not receive member benefits there would not be a membership fee. They would be very valuable as mentors for starting businesses. Ellis made the motion that the GBACC board consider the associated membership and Abbie made the second. The motion passed unanimously.

A GBACC coupon book was discussed. Ellis made a sample copy and will show it to the board. It was agreed this idea should be sent on to the board.

The election for the 2015 board is for President, Secretary and the three at-large board members. Ellis asked if there were any nominees from the floor. There were none. A motion to close the nominations was passed with no abjection.

Jerry announced the names of the nominees: Terry Lewis, President, Rosanne Roe, Secretary and at-large Members, Terri Shanahan, Pat Schoonover, and Ellis Burruss. The nominees were approved. There being no contest, they will take office January 2015. Terry Lewis will leave the position of Vice President and the current board has nominated Christina May. This nomination will be taken up with the 2015 Board.

The business meeting adjourned at 6:53 PM. The minutes are written by GBACC Secretary Jerry Knight