Greater Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce
Business Meeting
November 9, 2011
Green Country Inn
Brunswick, Maryland
The meeting was called to order at 7:45 AM by Phil Graves, Chairman
Approval of Minutes– The October Business Meeting Minutes were approved as submitted after a motion by Jerry Knight and a second by Ellis Burruss.
Treasurer’s Report– Phil Graves gave the Treasurer’s report in the absence of Treasurer , Terri Pizzloli.
Board Elections– Phil Graves announced the name of the members nominated for the 2012 GBACC Board. The nominees were:
Debbie Robinette- Vice President, Teri Pizzlola- Treasurer, At large Members- Sheila Gray, Abbie Ricketts and Judy Derrow. A motion was made that the nominees be accepted by acclamation. The motion was seconded, passed and the nominees were accepted as officers and board members.
GBACC Gives Back– Five area charitable organizations were selected by the Board to receive donations this coming holiday season. A proposal to donate $200 to each of the following: BEACON, Brunswick Food Bank, Jefferson Food Bank, Toys for Tots- BB & T Bank, and Mission of Mercy was presented to the membership and was approved after motion from Sheila Gray, a second from Phil Graves, and a unanimous vote .
Shirley Shores from the Brunswick Ecumenical Assistance Committee ( BEACON ) spoke to the membership about the needs of BEACON’s clients this coming holiday season. She explained the application process and decision making with regards to selection of families that need assistance with the purchase of gifts for their children. The applications are received, reviewed and then placed in a database. Sponsors are notified and match ups are made. Both applicants and sponsors personal information is kept confidential. Gifts are distributed on Dec. 8 & 9 and wrapping paper is supplied as well. The need is increased this year and close to 160 children will be served.
Business 101– Ellis Burruss gave an update on the chamber’s ongoing seminar series, “Business 101”. He noted that at the first seminar he received information about Resource USA which is a database available at the Brunswick library. He found it to be a useful source of information and recommended that others visit the library and take a look.
Mr. Burruss gave an over view of proposed advertising for the remainder of the seminar series. He requested the membership approve expenditures of $380 for postcards/postage and ads in the Citizen. The membership approved the request after a motion by Mr. Burruss and a second by Abbie Ricketts.
Council Liaison Report– Angel White from the Brunswick City Council reported:
· The Veteran’s Day parade was well attended and received good comments.
· The City is completing an energy grant.
· Work will begin shortly on the CASS building on east Potomac St. The City Planning and Zoning Department will move there.
· A planning and zoning certificate was issued to Blue Ridge Wheel Co. at 218 Petersville RD.
· The City is planning a series of surveys to get an idea from the community on how they perceive the work of the City and what they think about the future.
· The Scott Lesler property at Railroad Square Landing – 42 condos and 7 commercial units are planned. There is a Public Hearing on Monday, Nov. 28 at 7PM at City Hall in Brunswick.
News from the membership-
Saturday, Nov. 12 – Book Sale at the Brunswick Public Library beginning at 10AM.
Monday, Nov. 14 – Open Focus Group at City Hall 7PM, Branding Study
Tuesday ,Nov. 15 – Business 101 seminar- Public Relations, 7PM, Green Country Inn
Thursday, Nov. 17- EDC/GBACC Business Breakfast at Beans in the Belfry, Delegate Michael Hough
Dec. 9,10,& 11- Goodwill Grand Opening at 101 Willowdale Drive in Frederick MD.
Nov. 11,12,& 13- Goodwill Basketball Tournament at FCC.
Canal Towns– Abbie reported that she attended the October meeting in Sharpsburg. The website has been launched and contains valuable information about Brunswick businesses who may be able to provide needed services to C&O Canal National Park visitors and it also lists events happening in the Brunswick area. The Canal Towns organization meets monthly and is dedicated to economic development related to visitors in the towns along the C&O Canal.
The meeting adjourned at 8:20AM.
The next meeting will be held at the Green Country Inn on Dec. 14, at 7:30AM.
Minutes submitted by Abbie Ricketts, Board Member.