Call to Order at 6:09 pm by Sheila Gray, VP

Attending: Sheila, Tim, Mehdi, Ellis, Abbie

Treasurer’s Report-

Ellis Burruss gave the treasurer’s report. Deposits for feb and March to date are $1193.00 which was mostly dues. Expenses to date $1155.00; current balance $8142.66. The treasurer asked for authorization to pay a bill to Bellwether Printing for $625.83 for the two recent mailers. With the closing of the BB&T branch in Brunswick, the treasurer asked if there was any objection to moving the GBACC checking acct. to the local PNC, A motion to approve the report was passed without objection.

Biz 101

The Marketing Q&A will be wed. 3/21 at Smoketown. It was agreed that GBACC members be given a card for one free drink. Publicity: the postcard will be mailed Sat. and the image will be posted on Go2s and the GBACC F/B page. Ellis will ask Jerry to send individual emails to members. It was decided to not do a boosted post on F/B. Board members were urged to talk to individual businesses in the next few days.

Board members were asked to develop sample questions to ask Christina. Questions will be discussed on the Go2s group. Terry or Sheila will introduce Christina who will make very brief remarks. Our questions will then be asked to start the discussion.

Co-op advertising

Two EDDM mailers have gone to the BX routes. The mailers are popular with members. We are aiming at doing one every two weeks to routes in Brunswick and Lovettsville each one going to about 400-600 addresses. Ellis will make a schedule of upcoming mailers.


Dues letters for March have been sent along with reminders for Feb. A list of non-paying members to be dropped was reviewed. There are new members for a current 78.


The Directory is scheduled for printing on Monday, April 2 and distribution in the FNP on the next day. Sheila will arrange with Beans for a reception on Wednesday, April 11 (or 18) with a budget of $100. Ellis will invite FNP and electeds. Weis will be asked to have them available.

There was dissatisfaction expressed with the size of the Directory. We will consider reverting to the smaller size next year.


A suggestion to move the Friday newsletter to Monday was rejected. There are lots of openings of the newsletter and people have come to expect it on Fridays. also, weekend events are announced on Friday.

Welcome Totes

The totes will be stuffed at 1:00 pm on Friday 3/23. Member volunteers should be called to help distribute them on Sat. and Sun.

Shred Day

45 posters have been distributed. Tim will prepare a release for the Citizen and the FNP. Volunteers will be needed.

A note on volunteers: to encourage more members to take part in GBACC activities, it was suggested that members be encouraged to attend board meetings as observers.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:24 pm