Meeting Minutes
GBACC Board Meeting Minutes January 8, 2018
Called to order at 6:07 by Ellis as acting chair Sheila, Mehdi, Abbie, Tim, and Angel 1) Minutes The November 13 board meeting minutes were approved as written 2) Treasurer's report Expenses for 2017 were $12,148.04 Income $13,067.75 Budget for 2018 The...
Board Meeting Greater Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce (GBACC) November 13, 2017
Present- Terry Lewis, Ellis Burruss, Tim Wilson, Abbie Ricketts Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6pm by Terry Lewis, President Minutes The Minutes were approved unanimously. Treasurer’s Report Ellis Burruss reported there is a balance of $8,699.89 in...
Greater Brunswick Area Chamber of Commerce Minutes Board Meeting October 10, 2017
Present: Ellis Burruss, Angel White, Terry Lewis, Sheila Gray, Tim Wilson, Mehdi Tehranchi, and Abbie Ricketts Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6pm by Terry Lewis, President. Minutes The September Minutes were approved unanimously. Treasurer’s Report...
GBACC Board Meeting Monday, September 11, 2017
1) Minutes The minutes of the August board meeting were approved. 2) Treasurer's report Year-to-date budget report shows expenses generally running under budget. 3) Welcome totes Need to discuss involving more members in the distribution. The newsletter will...
GBACC Board meeting Monday, August 14, 2017
Call to order at 6:04 pm Attending: Terry, Sheila, Abbie, Tim, Ellis. Liaisons: Angel, Tiffaney 1) Minutes The July minutes were approved as presented 2) Treasurer's report The treasurer reported July expenses ($489.93) and deposits ($650.00). Upon request, the...
GBACC Board Meeting July 10, 2017
Minutes A motion to approve the June 12 minutes was passed Treasurer’s Report The June expenses and income were presented. Terry will look into who paid their dues through Paypal for this quarter. Old Business Board Recruitment Open Position(s) There was a motion that...
GBACC Board Meeting June 12, 2017
called to order: 5:35 pm in attendance: Terry, Michelle, Ellis Liaisons: Abbie, Angel. (A quorum not being present, no business was transacted) 1) Minutes 2) Treasurer's report Deposits and expenses for May were reported. The revised budget was ...
GBACC Board Retreat June 3, 2007
Call to order at 10:25 am In attendance: Terry Lewis, Michelle McIntyre, Callie Fulmer, Ellis Burruss Budget Review Break down events by quarter (Discussion deferred until after lunch break and 2016 expenses are available) Re-evaluate promotional options/ Brainstorm...
GBACC Board Meeting Monday, May 1, 2017
Attendees: Board Members Liaisons Others X Terry Lewis, President Angel White (City) X Michelle McIntyre, VP Abbie Ricketts (Main St) Jerry Knight Secretary X Ellis Burruss,...
GBACC Board Meeting April 6, 2017
Attendees: Board Members Liaisons Others X Terry Lewis, President X Angel White (City) X Michelle McIntyre, VP Abbie Ricketts (Main St) X Jerry Knight Secretary X Ellis Burruss, Treasurer X Sheila Gray X Callie Fulmer Tim Wilson The meeting of the GBACC Board...